Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 562 You are the least qualified person to manage me 22

Chapter 562 You are the least qualified person to manage me 22
The most incomprehensible thing in this world is the human heart. If she hadn't learned a lesson today, how could Jie Yiyi know that these maids still have such thoughts?
On the surface, everyone is very respectful to her, but behind the scenes, how do they talk about her?She didn't know, but it was conceivable that it must have something to do with jealousy!

Looking at the powder in her hand, Jie Yiyi was glad that what Qinger put was not poison, if it was poison, would she still be sitting here alive?

Looking up at Feng's mother who blamed herself, she shook her head, "This has nothing to do with you, if they want to harm me, no matter how careful they are, something will happen."

A trace of coldness flashed in Jie Yiyi's eyes, "Actually, I should thank them for reminding me that people who are too kind and simple are often easily plotted against. If you are not cruel, you will not be able to stand firm! People are not bad, they die quickly! "

Yu Shaofan is the best precedent. She trusts him so much, but what about him?Use this trust to hurt her!She will remember this pain.

"Miss Jie..." Mama Feng couldn't help being surprised when she heard Jie Yiyi say such words for the first time.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jie Yiyi's mouth, and then waved, "Mama Feng, you go out first!"

Miss Jie had already spoken, so Mama Feng couldn't say anything more, "Then you have a good rest, I'll come up later."

"En." Jie Yiyi responded lightly.

Just two steps away, Mama Feng came back and confessed, "That prickly heat, remember not to catch it."

Jie Yiyi nodded, Mama Feng knew that she had nothing to comfort her, so she left the room, the only thing she could do now was to silently pray that Miss Jie would get well soon.

After Feng's mother left, the smile on Jie Yiyi's face disappeared immediately, she leaned against the bed weakly, looking at the gorgeous crystal chandelier, her heart was empty.

Perhaps, this is just the beginning.

The road to go in the future will be more difficult than it is now, but she promised Yan Yifeng that she would not give up on him easily.

No matter whether it is Yan Yifeng's father, or the people who love Yan Yifeng, targeting her, framing her, trying to break them up, she must be strong to survive...

She can't rely on Yan Yifeng for everything, she has to learn to deal with it alone.

She must firmly guard the things she loves, and never allow others to take them away!


When Yan Yifeng came back, he found that Jie Yiyi had an IV in his hand, and he exploded with anger, his face darkened to the extreme, "Mother Feng, what's going on?!"

Yan Yifeng's temper has always been irritable, Feng's mother dared not hide it, she could only tell the truth.

Yan Yifeng broke a priceless antique vase, "How did you take care of Jie Yiyi? I only left for a day, and this happened?!"

"If Jie Yiyi leaves any sequelae, I will kill you!"

Feng's mother did not refute, but took the crime down, "I failed to take good care of Miss Jie, it was my dereliction of duty, please punish Mr. Yan!"

Yan Yifeng clenched his fists tightly, if it wasn't for the fact that she had been by his side for many years, he would never have spared her lightly!

Jie Yiyi got off the bed~, took his arm, and said softly, "Yan Yifeng, it's none of Feng's business, don't blame her."

Yan Yifeng glanced at Jie Yiyi's red arm, his heart ached, and he stretched out his arms to hug her, but his brows were furrowed, "Why did you get out of bed?"

"I've been lying on the bed for a whole day, and I got down and walked around. Are you tired? Is today's meeting going well?" She was concerned.

(End of this chapter)

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