Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 567 You are the least qualified person to manage me 27

Chapter 567 You are the least qualified person to manage me 27
"You don't believe me? Huh?!" Yan Yifeng asked coldly, with obvious anger in his tone.

In order to avoid suffering, Jie Yiyi stuck out her tongue mischievously at him, "I'm just talking casually, you are the one who takes it seriously!"

When Yan Yifeng suppressed her, she was biting~biting and punishing, "You can't make jokes like this, you understand?"

How dare Jie Yiyi say no, she nodded in a daze, "Yeah!"

Yan Yifeng continued to kiss her, and Jie Yiyi suddenly thought that he didn't ask about an important matter.

Pushing away Yan Yifeng who was groping around her body, she stood up and said seriously, "Yan Yifeng, you haven't told me whether today's meeting went well or not, and whether the company's image has been maintained?"

Her words made him lose interest, and he lowered his eyes coldly, "When sowing~ seeds, concentrate, don't ask so many irrelevant topics!"

He is deliberately avoiding the topic. Although she doesn't know much about business, she doesn't want him to have anything to hide and hide by herself.

In this way, it will make her feel that her existence is meaningless.

"Yan Yifeng, I know everything about your company!" He refused to reveal his thoughts to her, and she was a little disappointed.

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "Who told you?!" Didn't he ask Mama Feng to cut off the internet at home?

Jie Yiyi sighed softly, "Such a big thing happened, needless to say, I will know about it one day."

"I was idle and bored today, so I went online to pass the time. As soon as I opened the webpage, there were various headlines about CE."

Jie Yiyi's voice became much weaker, "Yan Yifeng, if I didn't accidentally see it, wouldn't you plan to tell me?"

Yan Yifeng circled her back into his arms, "I'm in charge of making money, you are in charge of being beautiful, and you don't need to know about business warfare!"

"But I want to know your emotions!"

"I know, I can't help you, but if you tell me what's on your mind, I can comfort you, and I can try not to hit you with a knife or a gun."

"You hide everything from me. In fact, I don't feel well. I hope you can confess everything to me. There is no need for white lies between us."

"When you left me, why didn't you think about this passage?" Yan Yifeng asked back.

When he knew that she left China with the crime of abandoning him alone, he was both happy and angry. He wished he could go to Europe right away and punish her severely!
Jie Yiyi didn't take it seriously, "Yan Yifeng, don't try to change the subject, those are all in the past! At least, I will be fine now, just keep it in my heart."

"Then what do you want to know?" Looking at the pink and chattering little mouth, Yan Yifeng still compromised.

"Has the company's crisis been resolved?" She scratched her neck and said.

A red mark appeared on her fair neck, Yan Yifeng held her little hand, "I warned you, don't scratch!"

His voice was cold, but full of pampering and concern, Jie Yiyi obediently obeyed, and quietly listened to Yan Yifeng, talking about what happened in CE.

In fact, what Yan Yifeng said was superficial, he didn't tell her what really happened, and Jie Yiyi didn't intend to ask.

Because, at this moment, Huangfulan's words about breaking Yan Yifeng's company kept appearing in her mind.

About what happened ten years ago, she didn't know whether she should ask Yan Yifeng, if she asked, would Yan Yifeng tell her the answer?
(End of this chapter)

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