Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 571 You are the least qualified person to manage me 31

Chapter 571 You are the least qualified person to manage me 31
Obviously, Susu didn't expect that Jie Yiyi would open her mouth like this, strike again, and then follow her footsteps.

A few sharp lights flickered in his eyes. Originally, he should have heard the news that Yan Yifeng punished Qing'er yesterday, but after waiting all night, there was no movement at all!

What surprised Susu even more was that Jie Yiyi even took her to see her?So, she just intends to lock her up, not execute her, or drive her out of the manor?
Taking a sneaky look at Jie Yiyi, she thought to herself: Although this woman is simple, the more pure she is, the harder it is to guess her thoughts.

The person who doesn't show his emotions, thinks about it in secret, and fights back silently, is the most terrifying person.

She and Qing'er didn't have any grudges, but if she didn't deal with Qing'er, she would have no chance to get close to her!

However, fortunately, she had expected this, as soon as Qing'er was locked up, she had already sealed her mouth.

Reining in her emotions, Susu thanked sweetly, "Thank you, Miss Jie."

The basement of the manor.

As soon as she came down, Jie Yiyi sneezed. This place belongs to a cool area, and the temperature will drop with time.

It's noon, it's cloudy again, without the reflection of the sun, it's like winter here, Mama Feng hurriedly found a dress and put it on for Jie Yiyi.

If she catches a cold, Mr. Yan will definitely not spare her.

Qing'er was sitting alone on the wooden bed~, trembling with folded arms.

Seeing Jie Yiyi coming, the guard quickly bent down to say hello, and then opened the door for her.

"Jie Xiao..." Seeing Jie Yiyi, Qing'er was a little excited, but when she saw Susu behind her, her voice immediately weakened.

Fearing that Qing'er would talk nonsense, Susu ignored Jie Yiyi's order and hurried forward, "Qing'er, are you okay?"

Qing'er smiled bitterly and didn't answer her.

Susu put her hand on Qing'er's shoulder, "I know, you hate me for reporting on you, but it's really your fault for hurting Miss Jie. I can't go against my conscience and hide it for you."

"..." Qing'er didn't make a sound, just looked at Jie Yiyi innocently, the knife was on her neck, can she speak?
Jie Yiyi saw Susu's actions and Qing'er's reaction.

After a while, she took a step forward, looked at Qing'er and said, "Qing'er, which one do you prefer, the servant's room or the dungeon?"

Qing'er was stunned, sometimes, jealousy can really kill people, she just babbled a few words in exchange for such a result.

Susu, she doesn't know why she framed herself like this, but she knows that it's all about profit.

"Susu interceded for you just now, let me let you go, I will give you a chance to explain, if the answer satisfies me, I will let you go, as if nothing happened."

As soon as the words fell, Susu Chaoqing'er gave a fierce look, as if saying, if you don't do what I say, your whole family will die without a whole body.

She carried Jie Yiyi on her back, and the people behind her naturally couldn't see their expressions, only Qing'er knew about it.

Her fists were clenched slightly. When she was sent to the cell yesterday, Su Sulai warned her that if she didn't get rid of the matter of itching powder, she would kill her whole family. Return all.

But she can't, she is a person who values ​​affection, she doesn't allow others to hurt her family, and she can't bear such a threat.

Lowering her head, she looked at the wet floor, "I have nothing to explain."

(End of this chapter)

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