Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 573 You are the least qualified person to manage me 34

Chapter 573 You are the least qualified person to manage me 34
Jie Yiyi stretched out her little hand and interlocked his fingers, "Yan Yifeng, we will always be together."

Yan Yifeng hugged her tightly, with a warning in his voice, "Besides me, you can't think of other men!"

"Besides you, who else can I think of? From now on, you can't violently force me, and you can't yell at me!"

Glancing at him, she added, "Even if it's a quarrel, it's not allowed!"

Yan Yifeng glared at her, "Don't haggle with me, I have my own measure!"

Jie Yiyi didn't take it seriously, "Then I'll sleep with you in a separate room like last night!"

"How dare you?!" A stern look flashed across Yan Yifeng's handsome face.

"Dare!" She should be confident, fearing that he would be angry, she quickly changed the subject, "Is the matter of the company's equity settled?"

Mentioning this, Yan Yifeng's face immediately darkened.

Jie Yiyi knew that he was upset recently, so she tried not to hit him with a gun.

Gently stroking the word "yi" on his chest, she raised her eyes, "Does it hurt?"

Yan Yifeng grabbed her burning little hand like a flame, and mobilized her to speak, "Women shouldn't ask men this sentence!"

"Women only hurt!"

At first, Jie Yiyi didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but after a few seconds, she realized and punched Yan Yifeng on the shoulder, "Can you not be evil~evil?"

Recalling, my first time was forced by Yan Yifeng...

Her heart felt a bit sour and painful, but in retrospect, it was more sweet. If it wasn't for that night, maybe they wouldn't be able to make it to today.

In these short few months, many things happened between her and him. When he hated her, she hated him too. But now, she loves him, and he loves her too...

Thinking of this, she hugged him tightly, and what made people feel happy was that he hugged him even tighter.

"Who is evil? If it doesn't hurt, you won't faint for the first time!"

"You..." Is he too terrible?That night, he repeatedly asked her so many times, of course she couldn't stand it.

Speaking of this, a never-before-satisfied look flashed across Yan Yifeng's face, "That night, you screamed so loudly, it hurt, and it will be remembered forever, I don't regret it, I used that way to occupy you !"

"Yan Yifeng, if God gave you a chance to choose again, would you choose my lover or my enemy?"

Yan Yifeng lowered his eyes and looked at her who looked serious, with a slight smile on his lips.

Even if God gave him a hundred more chances to choose, he would choose to love without hesitation, even if the love hurts, he will remain unswerving until death.

"Why are you laughing, I ask you, choose the former or the latter?" she asked?
Yan Yifeng looked at her with a condescending attitude, and after a while, two simple words were uttered from Xiemei's lips, "***!"

"Cough!" Jie Yiyi choked on her saliva. For a moment, she wanted to tear him apart. She asked so seriously, but he actually...

"Yan Yifeng, you are sick, I will ignore you!" She pushed him away, turned her back, and picked up the messy clothes on the sofa.

"Then fuck and lover!" Playing with his hair, he was still in the same joking state.

"You are enough of Yan Yifeng, why do I fall in love with a man like you!" Afraid that he would be a beast~ Sexy, she hurriedly dressed.

(End of this chapter)

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