Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 587 Who is the murderer? 13

Chapter 587 Who is the murderer? 13
Feeling a burst of coolness, Susu woke up from a coma.

"Hiss—" A sharp stabbing pain spread all over her body, making her thin body tremble uncontrollably.

Enduring the pain, she raised her eyes, and in front of her eyes, Yan Yifeng and Jie Yiyi invaded her sight.

Susu was not surprised at their arrival, anyway, it was a matter of time!
A tall and mighty guard lifted her up, kicked her knees, and made her kneel.

Although Susu has received professional training, after suffering such an injury, she has no strength to struggle anymore!
Here, the guards are so tight, there are eyes staring everywhere, and she is not allowed to resist!

Yan Yifeng's legs are crossed, eyes downcast, playing with Jie Yiyi's clean and white little hands, lips slightly hooked, evil and charming, but the hostility emanating from his body makes people unable to look directly at him!

When she first entered the manor, Susu had already inquired about Yan Yifeng.

He is cruel, brutal, and iron fisted. Anyone who provokes him must pay a heavy price!
Although, when she took on this task, she had already thought of the consequences, but the corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth with a hidden knife in his smile still couldn't help but make her shiver!
10 minutes passed.

Yan Yifeng glanced outside the door, wrapped Jie Yiyi's little hand, and gave her a little warmth.

When he raised his eyes, he was no longer the gentle man. There was a sharp sword hidden in the dark eyes, which could tear people to pieces at any time, and in the blink of an eye.

He gave an instruction to the man on the side, the man nodded, then pulled Susu's hair, making her look up at Yan Yifeng.

Susu turned her face away stubbornly, disdaining to look at him.

The arc of Yan Yifeng's mouth deepened, he narrowed his dangerous eyes, and then said, "I'll give you two choices!"

Hearing the word choice, Susu was even more disdainful, and interrupted her coldly, "Don't bother! Give me ten choices, and I won't tell you who is behind the scenes!"

"Heh!" Yan Yifeng smiled sarcastically, "I want to know the truth, I need to get news from you?!"

"You misunderstood!" Yan Yifeng hooked his fingers towards the door.

After a while, Bo An came in with two big fat dogs.

"Ghost mastiff, although it looks ferocious, but it has a kind heart, it's unbelievable to be gentle!"

"Whippet, handsome in appearance, full of abs, definitely lasts longer than you think!"

"One gentle, one domineering, which one do you prefer?"

Seeing the two ferocious dogs in front of her, staring at her with hunger and thirst, as if catching her own food, Susu's whole body trembled, and her body couldn't help but retreat timidly, "What do you want?"

Yan Yifeng smiled lightly on his lips, "Your reward!"

He stroked the ghost mastiff's hair, "Go!"

"Woo..." Ghost Mastiff let out a cry of excitement, and rushed forward casually and ferociously.

Susu didn't have time to dodge, and the whole person was pinned down by the ghost mastiff's two claws. This humiliation made Susu lose control of her emotions. She raised her foot and was about to kick the ghost mastiff away. Her body was torn fiercely, two or three times, Susu couldn't move, and fell to the ground exhausted.

"Woo..." This soft body aroused Ghost Mastiff's desire, and it pumped excitedly on her body.

"Haha..." Susu endured the pain in her body and shouted out of control, "Yan Yifeng, do you think I will obey you if you treat me like this? You think beautifully!! I just won't say it!"

"One day, Jie Yiyi will end up like me!!"

(End of this chapter)

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