Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 595 Who is the murderer? 21

Chapter 595 Who is the murderer? 21
"Don't use this comparison to test your position in my heart. You just need to answer me, yes or no?"

What Huang Fulan said, she had thought it through as early as the moment she accepted Yan Yifeng, no matter what happened in the future, she would share with him through thick and thin, life and death.

Yan Yifeng didn't put a knife on her neck to force her, she did all of this willingly, so, fortunately, it has nothing to do with others, and she will bear the consequences herself.

"..." Huangfulan fell silent.

Originally, she wanted to establish a good mother image in front of her, but she couldn't help but took out a cigarette from her bag and lit it.

For more than ten years, she has been using cigarettes to solve her irritability.

Seeing the smoke rings coming out of her mouth, Jie Yiyi clenched her fists involuntarily.

She looks like this, the more you look at her, the more infuriating and ironic she is...still smoking?

If it wasn't for the fact that she had finished drinking the coffee, she thought, she would have picked up the coffee and splashed it to wake her up.

Feeling the displeasure in Jie Yiyi's eyes, Huang Fulan put out the cigarette, and then said, "Yiyi... This is the grievance between me and Yan Yifeng."

"As long as you turn a blind eye, we won't drag you in!"

Following Jie Yiyi's footsteps, she took a step back and looked at her like an alien, "Fun?"

No wonder, no matter how she asked, Yan Yifeng would deliberately avoid this question. It turned out that the person who attacked CE was really Huangfulan?
At this moment, there was obviously no wind blowing, but it made her feel extremely chilling. This woman is too unpredictable, too unpredictable...

How many troubles would she have to make before she would give up?
"Yiyi, you don't even know what happened ten years ago!"

"Because you are my mother, Yan Yifeng didn't dare to do anything to you, so he stood behind him and stabbed him hard?"

"Why?" Jie Yiyi lost control of her emotions, "Yan Yifeng doesn't care about the past, why do you insist on grabbing him by the tail?"

"Although the memory of ten years ago does not exist in my mind, I know that if Jiang Yang hadn't hurt her mother, her mother would not have jumped off the building at all! Yan Yifeng would never have thought of using this method and means to take revenge on me !!"

"All of this is your fault. What right do you have to hold a grudge against him?"

"A woman who can't even control her own man, what kind of strong woman are you?"

Jie Yiyi's opening attracted eyes from all around, but Jie Yiyi knew that they couldn't understand the Chinese.

Ignoring others, she smiled coldly, "Actually, both you and Jiang Yang should be glad that you are still alive in this world."

"Stop it, don't let me continue to hate you!"

After taking the bag, Jie Yiyi turned and left.

Huang Fulan quickly got up and grabbed her hand, looking at her daughter's thin shoulders, she felt very bitter in her heart, but said cruelly, "Yiyi, leave him!"

"Leave him, mom will stop immediately!"

"You may think that mom is an unreasonable person, but mom wants to tell you that everything mom does is for you!"

"No matter how much you hate me, I must stop you!"

"Because I have no way to see that the person I love the most is with the person I hate the most."

Jie Yiyi laughed!She always felt that she was not filial to her parents, but at this moment, she felt that what she did was right!

(End of this chapter)

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