Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 598 Who is the murderer? 24

Chapter 598 Who is the murderer? 24
"Ah——" Lin Xi's thin body couldn't help being tortured like this, and she fell to the ground with an unsteady center of gravity, her abdomen just hit the small bench behind her, a sharp pain hit her, and she screamed out of control.

"Let me go!" Jie Yiyi, who was hijacked into the car, fiercely shook off the hand of the man in black, opened the car door and was about to jump off.

Lin Xi is a pregnant person, how can she stand such a torment?
But the hands of the man in black were like iron tongs, holding her firmly, not to mention getting out of the car, without even a chance to move, he threw her on the back seat and slammed the door.

"Yiyi..." Seeing this, Yu Shaofan jumped out of the convertible car and hurried over, but he was still a step behind. The man in black was driving the car, making a 180-degree turn, brushing past him, and heading towards the highway ahead. Run like an arrow.

Yu Shaofan clutched his arm scratched by the car mirror, panicked!

Who is the owner?What's his purpose of hijacking Yiyi?
"It hurts... Shaofan, I'm in so much pain..." Lin Xi moaned in pain from behind, and Yu Shaofan remembered that Lin Xi was pushed to the ground while pregnant with the child.

His heart tightened suddenly, he turned around quickly, and was about to help Lin Xi up.

But when he thought that Yiyi was kidnapped, he paused again. If he stayed to take care of Lin Xi at this time, it would be tantamount to giving up Yiyi's life.

It is not a day or two for foreigners to discriminate against Chinese people. They take Yiyi away like this, either extortion or massacre, □□…

No, Yiyi is in danger!

Although Lin Xi is pregnant with his child, in his heart, Yiyi will always be number one at any time, a position that no one can replace.

It doesn't matter whether she loves him or not, he only knows that he can't let the person he loves get hurt.

Looking at the leaving black car, a stern look flashed in his eyes, he clenched his fists, and quickly jumped into the car.

His thin body trembled violently on the cold floor.

Lin Xi stared blankly at Yu Shaofan who was starting the car. At that moment, she felt that she really lost the courage to love.

It was as if someone had cut a hole in her chest, dug out her heart, and then ruthlessly smashed it in front of her.

Her whole body was empty, only blood was flowing...

"Shaofan, you don't have to choose me, but I beg you, don't leave the child behind?"

"The one who robbed Yiyi was not a foreigner, but a Chinese. I believe they will not harm Yiyi..."

"The child's life is too fragile. I intuitively feel that she is about to leave me. I can't lose her. Shaofan, I beg you, take me to the hospital. I feel so uncomfortable..."

There was pleading in Lin Xi's weak voice.

Yu Shaofan didn't waver because of this, turned his face to the pale woman and said, "I'm sorry, Lin Xi, I love Yiyi, I can't let her get hurt!"


"Sit here and don't move, I will let Uncle Wang come over!"

As he spoke, he stepped on the accelerator and quickly caught up with the black car.

Lin Xi's tears of despair fell in the wind. She clutched her belly and looked at the blue sky.

I laughed out loud.

She doesn't blame anyone, only herself, and she doesn't have the ability to win her lover's heart.

She is stupid.

Knowing that Shaofan didn't love her, he followed him shamelessly.

She thought that after she had a child, Shaofan, she would change her mind and transfer Yiyi's goal to her.

(End of this chapter)

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