Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 605 Who is the murderer? 31

Chapter 605 Who is the murderer? 31
The gun hit Huangfulan's forehead coldly, Yan Yifeng chewed the root of his teeth, his voice was cold, "You try to say it again?!"

The bodyguards behind him had all received professional training. When Yan Yifeng raised his gun, he immediately loaded the gun in his hand and pointed it at Huangfulan.

She knew Yan Yifeng's character very well. At this time, if he hit the point of a sword, he would definitely die.

So at this time, she can only choose to remain silent.

In the narrow tin hut, it was extremely quiet, and the sound of heavy breathing could be clearly heard.

Ten years ago, didn't Jiang Yangqiang rape Yan Yifeng's mother, and she jumped to her death?

Why, Huang Fulan would say, it was Yan Yifeng's mother who ruined his family?
Could it be that there is a misunderstanding in this?
Could it be that the truth is not what Yan Yifeng said at all?

She obviously didn't want to understand the past, but she was clamoring in her heart...

It seems that the scar must be uncovered to relieve the pain and heal completely...

After a while, she raised her eyes and glanced at Yan Yifeng, then lightly pressed the gun that was on Huangfulan's forehead, "Yan Yifeng, let her speak, I want to hear it!"

Yan Yifeng turned his face sideways, as if he hadn't expected Jie Yiyi's opening at all, a cold smile flashed across his bottomless eyes.

Jie Yiyi smiled wryly, "Perhaps, only by speaking out, can everyone settle peacefully!"

Yan Yifeng's face was dark and ugly, and he didn't answer. He was obviously very angry, but he suppressed his urge to raise the gun again...

Ten years ago, for everyone, it was an indelible scar.

Recalling the past, how could Huang Fulan feel better in her heart, she looked at Jie Yiyi, her eyes were red, and she spoke.

"Yiyi, you have a very rich grandfather. By chance, I met your father and we fell in love. But your grandfather disliked your father's shabby background and prevented me from being with your father."

"In order to be with your father, your grandfather and I severed the father-daughter relationship, followed Jiang Yang to China, and established our own company."

"At that time in S City, your father was a prominent figure. He brought a woman back on a business trip. I was very disappointed in him. He told me that this woman was pregnant and had been starving for three days on the street. No one would care about her. She, so he took pity on her and brought her back."

"Afterwards, she was very grateful and didn't know how to repay us, so she stayed at Jiang's house and became a hard-working maid."

"But at the beginning, your father and I didn't treat her badly. We regarded her as our sister. After the child was born, all his expenses were paid by our Jiang family."

"Your grandfather has been in poor health and can only live in a wheelchair. I have been taking care of him personally, but in those few days, because the company had a project to discuss, I went abroad and entrusted your grandfather to his mother to take care of him. .”

"She took good care of him, and even made your grandfather's condition a lot better. That day, she pushed the car and went to the garden for a stroll. She didn't know that your grandfather was allergic to pollen. When he got home, he made a mistake. Asthma, she went to the pharmacy to get medicine, but she mistakenly gave your grandpa the medicine that stimulates the acupoints, and just after taking it, your grandpa seemed to have gone crazy, seeking to vent..."

"Afterwards, your grandpa died on the spot because of the indulgence. When I received the news, I immediately called his mother. Although I was heartbroken, I compromised to comfort her."

(End of this chapter)

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