Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 614 Who is the murderer? 41

Chapter 614 Who is the murderer? 41
On the phone, he revealed his nervousness.

Last time, Yu Shaofan took her to meet the old man, maybe because he was pregnant with a child, he didn't dislike her, on the contrary, he liked her from the bottom of his heart.

No, as soon as he heard about Lin Xi's accident, he immediately called.

"Xi'er, did you go to the hospital for an examination? What did the doctor say? Is the fetus okay?" An old and gentle voice came from the phone.

I don't know if it's been a long time since I received such care, or because he is Shaofan's grandfather, Lin Xi's eyes were so moved by his concern, and she was afraid that the old man would hear her emotions, so she suppressed, "Thank you, grandpa, for your concern. It has been checked and the doctor said there is no serious problem."

"The fetus is very stable. This little thing alarmed Grandpa and made you worry."

Lin Xi said politely.

The child is fine, and the old man breathed a sigh of relief, "Xi'er, this child is the blood of our Yu family, so it's only natural that I care about him."

"It's good that you're fine. I'll send some supplements to you later, so that you can replenish your body."

"Mom, don't go to class, stay at home and have a good rest."

The old man confessed.

Lin Xi naturally didn't dare to resist anything, so he could only respond, "Okay, Grandpa."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi received another call.

It was Jie Yiyi calling.

Like the old man, she also called for the child.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xi suddenly felt extremely warm in his heart.

Although Shaofan doesn't like her, but...the people around her at least care about her.

She went to the hospital, and everyone was worried about the baby.

If she aborts the child at this time, will grandpa be very disappointed?

If the baby is lost, it will be even more impossible to get Shaofan's love.

So, she thought a lot, and finally decided to listen to Shaofan and cancel the appointment.

She admitted that she couldn't do without Shaofan.


It's late at night.

Although the lights in the room were turned off, Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng didn't fall asleep, looking at the ceiling quietly.

Tomorrow is the day to re-elect CE shareholder representatives.

In the outside world, this matter has long been aroused.

The insiders of the shareholders were all bought by Huangfulan.

Although Yan Yifeng holds the largest equity, if outsiders join forces, they can overwhelm Yan Yifeng.

This is the case in business wars. Whoever dares to belong to the founder and whoever invests the most will be the president.

Yan Yifeng currently holds 35%.

At the beginning, Huang Fulan did not disclose her identity, but made a large investment in CE as a mysterious person, holding 10%.

There are also several deputy directors who each hold 12%.

Now, several deputy directors joined forces to overthrow Yan Yifeng.

And Bo An has also won the hearts of many people these days, and the number of those who are willing to stand on Yan Yifeng's side happens to be the same as the number on the deputy director's side.

That is, a draw.

Although Huang Fulan became a shareholder not long ago, she is considered one of CE's shareholders, and she has the right to participate.

If the vote in her hand was for Yan Yifeng, then he would still be the CE representative.

But on the contrary, if Huang Fulan voted for other directors, then... Yan Yifeng will be dismissed and become a deputy director.

Although Yan Yifeng told her categorically that he would deal with all this, when she thought of Huang Fulan's hatred for Yan Yifeng, her heart panicked again.

CE is Yan Yifeng's painstaking effort in the past 5 years. If he is defeated by other directors, he will be trampled on top of him in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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