Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 617 Who is the murderer? 45

Chapter 617 Who is the murderer? 45
What will she do at this time?
Dress up at home?

Or on the way to CE?
Did she deliberately not answer the phone?Still haven't heard...

Huang Fulan had already confessed to her yesterday about the crackdown on CE.

According to her, she stated from the beginning that she would persist in fighting Yan Yifeng, even if the mother and son were torn apart, she would not give up.

So, there's no need for her to avoid her phone call, it's time to provoke her!

But why?
Thinking that something was wrong, she called Jiang Yang again.

The other party also sent a prompt, but no one answered.

Jie Yiyi's chest tightened, as if someone had pulled something out of her internal organs, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Why is this happening?

Neither of them answered her phone?

Is it because yesterday, she insisted on leaving with Yan Yifeng, which made them angry?
No, it's not like that.

The more Jie Yiyi thought about it, the more confused she became, and finally decided to visit Yan Yifeng's meeting place.

Just about to leave the manor, Mama Feng's voice suddenly came from behind, "Miss Jie, where are you going?"

"The bird's nest porridge ordered by Mr. Yan has been cooked, you can eat first."

Jie Yiyi stopped, turned her head, and looked at her with a smile on her face, "Mama Feng, I don't want to eat anymore, I want to go out for a while."

"Go out?" Feng's mother was surprised and embarrassed, "But Mr. Yan told me that you can't leave without his permission."

Mama Feng already knew about Jie Yiyi being robbed when she went out yesterday.

Although Huang Fulan didn't hurt her, she couldn't afford to blame her for it.

She had already learned her lesson. The last time she was caught in the rain, this time, if she made another mistake, it would not be that simple.

Jie Yiyi smiled, "Mama Feng, I want to wait for Yan Yifeng at the meeting place."

After saying this, Feng Ma refused even more, "Miss Jie, I know that today is the day when CE re-elects representatives. You are worried about Mr. Yan, but if Miss Jie is for Mr. Yan's good, you should stay at home. The media's language is sharp. Even merciless, I'm afraid Miss Jie will be surrounded before she arrives at the meeting place."

Mama Feng's words reminded Jie Yiyi that although she and Yan Yifeng were in a relationship, the relationship had never been made public.

If she went, it would not benefit Yan Yifeng, but would damage his image.

She was thinking, going to the meeting place to see if Huangfu showed up, would she do some tricks?

But thinking about it now, this approach is very risky, and in the end, I gave up that idea!
Follow Mama Feng back to the manor.

Sitting at the dining table, she ate bird's nest porridge and felt that it was tasteless.

There was even a little bit of nausea, but when I thought about it, I couldn't live up to Yan Yifeng's wishes.

She insisted on eating again.

Just walked up the stairs...

There was a sour feeling in my stomach.

Covering her mouth, she quickly went upstairs and rushed to the bathroom.

I spit out all the bird's nest porridge that I just entered.

She rinsed her mouth, only felt that she was exhausted, and then returned to the bed~.

Arriving at the meeting place, the car stopped steadily.

Bo An got out of the car first and opened the door for Yan Yifeng.

The CE headquarters is in China, and the European side is a branch.

After the media received such explosive news, they hurried over.

The reason is to see Yan Yifeng himself.

By the way, dig up some news and go back.

However, how could Yan Yifeng do what they wanted?
Putting on sunglasses, under the professional escort of bodyguards, he entered the president's special elevator.

The media prepared hundreds of questions, ready to ask him the moment they stopped him.

However, it seems that all previous efforts have been wasted.

When we reached the top floor and entered the meeting room, all the directors had already arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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