Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 619 Who is the murderer? 46

Chapter 619 Who is the murderer? 46
What?One person absent?
Just now, the directors didn't have time to look at the number of people who were so busy attacking Yan Yifeng.

It is only now discovered that a shareholder holding 10% is absent.

Moreover, they are very familiar with this director.

A look of panic flashed in Lao Liu's eyes.

Yesterday, he talked with her on the phone, and she told him to come and not miss the time.

It was her idea to attack Yan Yifeng with this language.

how now?

But he was absent?

What's wrong?Or...was she just kidding her?

This Yan Yifeng is very scheming.

He said the re-election of the representative, if he didn't pull Yan Yifeng down today, then he would just slap himself in the face!

For him, Huangfulan was a very important vote, how could she be absent?

At that moment, while everyone was discussing, he quickly pressed Huangfulan's phone number, but no one answered the other party's phone!
what happened?

He was so anxious that he couldn't show it on his face when the director was here, he just held back and was in a hurry!
And Yan Yifeng looked relaxed, even comfortable!
He is bound to win!
Originally, Huang Fulan was the most crucial vote, but she was absent. Even if the meeting insisted on continuing, it would only be a draw.

The result of a draw... means that everyone's work is in vain!
Instead, Yan Yifeng's position was stabilized.

The re-election of the representative assembly is only allowed once a year.

Therefore, all of this is within Yan Yifeng's plan. He can be so calm because he knew the result long ago.

"What an important meeting, how could she be absent?"

"It's all right to make a fuss, but in this emergency, I chose to escape!"

"Old Liu, your partner is too unreliable!"

"I want to change the ticket!"

"Mr. Yan, although he is arrogant and domineering, he has to admit that he is indeed young and promising! In the past few years, CE scores have only gone up. When did they go down?"

"This time, the stock fell, isn't it because some of you are playing tricks inside?"

Director Hong, who was standing on Yan Yifeng's side, pointed to Lao Liu and said, "According to CE regulations, if you secretly collude with foreign partners and join hands with your boss, you will be expelled from CE."

When Director Hong said that, everyone turned pale immediately.

Have to admit.

What Hong Dong said was true.

This time, if it wasn't for my family beating my family, how could there be so many troubles?
Let CE's stock fall?
Let the partner cancel the cooperation?

In order to avoid being kicked out of the CE, the director who had been pissed just now stood on Yan Yifeng's side, and quickly changed his vote.

Liu Dong was the only one left, his face was red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple with anger.

Bo An glared at Director Liu coldly, and then said, "Since this is the case, then please take care of your own affairs in the future, and focus on your work. I think President Yan will not treat you badly! "

"As for Director Liu, how to execute him is up to the directors to decide!"

Yan Yifeng's words were all done by Bai An!

Although he didn't say anything during the whole process, how could the other directors dare to object?

Discuss at this time?
Isn't it hitting the muzzle?
"Dear directors, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, just raise it!" Yan Yifeng said.

Everyone fell silent and shook their heads.

Liu Dong clenched his fist tightly, wishing he could smash the fist on Huangfulan's face.

"Work hard, dismiss the meeting!"

When the words came out, everyone gathered around, ready to flatter, please, and even apologize to Yan Yifeng.

But Yan Yifeng ignored them and walked by, making such a fuss, not to mention embarrassment, and also belittled his own identity, what can be done?Do it yourself.

After going out, Bo An received a call, and the content of the call shocked him, "What did you say? Dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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