Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 632 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 12

Chapter 632 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 12
Seeing him get up, Jie Yiyi also got up, "Where are you going?"

This woman is really cute when she sticks to people.

He pointed to his hair, "Do you want me to sleep with wet hair?"

Jie Yiyi shook her head, then lifted the quilt, "I'll get you a hair dryer."

Yan Yifeng pressed her shoulder, "I'll get it, can you blow it for me?"

"it is good."

Yan Yifeng placed a kiss on her lips, and then walked towards the counter.

Suddenly, something seemed to be stepped on under the house shoes.

He looked down and saw that it was a magazine that Jie Yiyi had thrown down just now.

He bent down to pick it up, Jie Yiyi realized that the situation was not good, and was about to jump out of bed and snatch the magazine, but it was too late, Yan Yifeng had already picked it up.

At first, he didn't intend to look at it, but the photo on it was too familiar, his eyes glanced at the words, his face immediately darkened, without even thinking about it, he turned around and smashed the magazine in his hand onto Jie Yiyi's fair face.

Jie Yiyi didn't have time to dodge, the magazine just like that, slammed down heavily, the pain on her face went straight to the bottom of her heart ~ hit away
Yan Yifeng suddenly understood, what did she mean by the sentence just now, don't touch me!
There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were fierce, and he said coldly, "Jie Yiyi, you still don't want to believe me?"

"No." Jie Yiyi got off the bed and came to him, "I believe in you."

Yan Yifeng pushed away her hand on his arm, questioning, "Then what were you afraid of just now?"

"You suspect that I am the murderer who killed your parents?"


With Yan Yifeng's gloomy face, he took a step closer to her, "Dare you say, you haven't thought about it? Dare you say, you haven't doubted me?!"

His coldness made her heart ache.

But she knew that there were some things that had to be discussed in order to resolve the misunderstanding between each other.

Jie Yiyi didn't back down, and met his eyes, "I admit, I doubted you, but I quickly dispelled that thought, I know you won't."

Yan Yifeng smiled viciously, the ghostly voice seemed to send people into the eighteenth hell, "If, I say, I will?"

Jie Yiyi was startled, she couldn't believe what she heard.

After a while, she questioned, "Yan Yifeng, did you really kill them?"

However, as soon as she asked this sentence, she regretted it.

Because he saw the disappointment flashing across Yan Yifeng's face, he sneered with a sarcastic tone, "Jie Yiyi, you let me down!"

Saying that, he turned to leave.

Jie Yiyi realized that the words just now were just his temptation, she hurriedly chased after him and hugged him, "Yan Yifeng, don't be angry, I know I was wrong!"

How could she be so confused?

If Jie Yiyi used this trick before, Yan Yifeng would definitely soften his heart, but this time, he was really disappointed.

She actually believed the reporter's gossip.

To believe that outsiders came to doubt him?

"Yan Yifeng, I'm sorry."

Yan Yifeng pulled her hand away, "Jie Yiyi, it doesn't matter if this 'I'm sorry' won't get me back."

"I'm really disappointed in you!"

"Maybe for you, it's just a suspicious thought, but for me, it's hurt!"

Jie Yiyi refused to let go, tightly clasped his waist, "Yan Yifeng, you said that lovers need to be frank, I am willing to face you honestly, because, in front of you, I am crystal clear, without reservation. "

"Just like the last time you confessed to me that you have Michelle by your side."

Yan Yifeng shook his head, "No!"

"It's a completely different matter!"

"The most unacceptable thing for a man is for his beloved woman to question him!"

(End of this chapter)

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