Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 635 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 15

Chapter 635 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 15
Yan Yifeng paused, turned around, and gave her a fierce look, "Oh! Jie Yiyi, you really don't deserve my kindness to you!"

Jie Yiyi swallowed the bitterness in her heart, "I've realized my mistake, and humbled myself to please you, why do you call me cheap?"

"What do I have to do? Will you forgive me?"

"Why do people change so much in one day?"

"What did I do wrong?"

Seeing her crying on the ground, Yan Yifeng was in a state of confusion with mixed feelings.

He moved his feet and wanted to go down, but when he thought of her guilty conscience, he made up his mind, shook his head and walked upstairs.

If it wasn't for true love, how could he have hurt her?

Seeing him turn and leave indifferently, Jie Yiyi's heart was broken in an instant.

Just like the smashed wine bottles on the ground, they were so broken that they couldn't be pieced together.

It is impossible for her to pick them up again, because it will hurt her hands.

Yan Yifeng.

You make my heart ache.

Sitting on the cold floor, Jie Yiyi looked at the ceiling.

She comforted herself that as long as she kept looking, the tears would not fall.

Jie Yiyi.

If you are weak, who will be strong for you?

From knowing Yan Yifeng to the present, how many injuries and tortures you have suffered, the ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs, and hardships along the way, you have come through like this, even the pain of losing a child, you have survived, why do you have any reason to cry ?
Everything will pass.

Yes, everything will be fine.

"Miss Jie!" Mother Feng pushed her shoulder, looking at her flushed eyes, she asked in surprise, "What's wrong with you? Have you been crying?"

Jie Yiyi sniffed lightly and shook her head, "I'm fine, I'm sorry, it's so late that I made you sleep."

Looking at the broken wine bottles on the ground, Mama Feng knew that something must be wrong.

After touching her head, Mama Feng asked, "Did you quarrel with Mr. Yan?"

Jie Yiyi felt very sour, but, after all, this was her and Yan Yifeng's business, and it was not a good thing to involve Feng's mother.

"No, I'm fine with him."

Feng Ma cleaned up the mess and said, "It's normal for young couples to quarrel, just don't make too much noise."

"Mr. Yan loves you so much, he won't be angry with you."

In fact, Mother Feng knew exactly what the two of them were arguing about.

This can't be blamed on Ms. Jie, she is superficial after all, she doesn't have much social experience, it's normal for her to be misled by so many rumors outside.

After all, the two who died were her parents, and she should be nervous.

"..." Jie Yiyi hesitated to speak.

She thought she knew Yan Yifeng very well, but at the critical moment, she realized that she knew too little about him.

After tidying up these things on the ground, Mama Feng patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Jie, don't think too much, go up and rest!"

Taking a look at the closed door on the second floor, Jie Yiyi nodded, "Yes."

Mama Feng was afraid that the two of them would quarrel again when they went up, so she reminded, "Miss Jie, in fact, Mr. Yan has not had a good time recently. The rumors outside have given him a headache, and the company has a lot of things to deal with. You have to be more considerate." Wherever you can follow him, just follow him."

"I know Mama Feng."

Feng's mother made a cheering gesture for her. It was obviously a funny gesture, but now she couldn't laugh anymore.

The room was not locked, and Jie Yiyi pushed it lightly, and it opened.

(End of this chapter)

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