Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 638 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 18

Chapter 638 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 18
Is it because you love him that you can't tolerate his treatment like this?
Actually, it is not.

If facing someone she doesn't love, perhaps, Jie Yiyi would have poured the milk in her hand on top of his head.

It was because of love that he tolerated his ruthlessness and hurt.

"Miss Jie, Mr. Yan really has no malicious intentions..." Fearing that Jie Yiyi would be overwhelmed and run away from home, Mama Feng hurried over to explain while Yan Yifeng was leaving.

Jie Yiyi stuffed the last bite of bread into her mouth, "Mama Feng, it's okay, I'm fine."

Mr. Yan has always loved Miss Jie to the bone.

But today, Miss Jie was neglected in this way. It can be seen that Miss Jie's suspicion really angered Mr. Yan.

"Miss Jie, there are only the two of us here. If you have something to do, don't keep it in your heart. It might make you feel better if you say it!"

Jie Yiyi didn't want to say it, but telling Mama Feng, it's impossible to make Yan Yi's morale go away.

So, I held back, "It's okay, I'm not a child anymore, I can still bear a little conflict."

"Didn't Mama Feng also say that it's normal for young couples to quarrel, just bear with it and let it go. I'll try not to provoke him."

Looking at Jie Yiyi's pretty face, Mama Feng felt that she had matured a lot overnight.

However, she knew that she just had a stubborn mouth, but in fact, her heart was also very weak.

Sighing softly, "It's naturally the best for Miss Jie to think like this."

"Yeah." Jie Yiyi wiped her mouth and got up, "Mama Feng, I'm going to the garden."

"Okay!" Feng's mother nodded, looked at her leaving back, and stopped her again, "Silly boy, don't keep things in your heart."

Jie Yiyi forcefully smiled, "Don't worry, Mama Feng, if I'm not happy, I'll definitely come here to pester you and annoy you to death."

Mama Feng shook her head, turned and went into the kitchen.

Jie Yiyi came to the garden, smelling the fragrance of flowers, her low mood improved a little.

However, thinking of Yan Yifeng's indifference, I still feel very sad.

Sitting on the swing chair, she swayed gently.

She remembered the night when she and Yan Yifeng went for a walk in the park in China.

Thinking of him feeding her ice cream, sitting on a swing chair with him, watching the stars, a happy smile could not help but appear on his lips.

When he was naive, he was like a child.

When he is ruthless, he is like a Satan in hell, frightening and unpredictable.

If possible, how much she thought, go back to the old days.

If it was possible, how much she thought, she didn't say the words of doubting him...

But the past is the past, and it cannot be repeated.

After experiencing so much, she understood a truth.

In everything, don't wait until you lose it to regret it. When you have it, you should hold it firmly and don't let it go away...

Just like, she didn't cherish Huangfulan and Jiang Yang, she didn't cover her mouth and cry bitterly until they were no longer in this world, everything was meaningless.

Ah.Jie Yiyi looked up at the clear sky.

She is thinking, whether it is the past or the future.

It's like the sunlight refracted in summer.

As long as you look up, you will definitely burn people's eyes.

After strolling around for a while, Jie Yiyi returned to the manor.

When she was about to go upstairs, Mama Feng suddenly stopped her, "Miss Jie."

Jie Yiyi turned her head, "What's wrong?"

Feng's mother ran up, "There is a postman outside the door, saying that there is a package for you, and you must sign for it yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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