Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 64 Dare to give me a cuckold? 4

Chapter 64 Dare to give me a cuckold? 4
Yan Yifeng turned his head and continued to exercise, ignoring him at all...

But Yu Shaofan was still knocking desperately, as if he had gone mad, his eyes were full of killing intent.

Jie Yiyi burst into tears, every time she saw Yu Shaofan's eyes, she felt more guilt, she is cheap!She is cheap!
"Don't think that Yu Shaofan will save you!! He is in danger now!! Bo An, ask the security to drag that lunatic outside to the police station!"


Jie Yiyi closed her eyes in despair.She wanted to be like this, lying quietly, never waking up again!

Living in this world is really too painful. Why did my father save me when I had a car accident?Why not let me die!

If she died, she wouldn't live in such a miserable and dirty life!So dirty!
I don't know how long it took before Yan Yifeng let her go. He leaned on the back of the car and looked at her who had fainted.

Heart throbbing hard.

From childhood to adulthood, he only felt pain once. It was the moment his mother jumped off the building. He also despaired. His mother was gone. He only had one thought, which was to go with her.

But he chose to stay, because he knew that only by being alive, can the people he hates taste what he suffered back then.

Today, all the decisions Jie Yiyi made were within his expectations!

The gun only had one bullet, and the shot that missed was for her to beg him.

Let her say she loves him and kiss him in front of Yu Shaofan.

He wanted Yu Shaofan to know that he was no match for him, no match for him.

He got everything he wanted, but he didn't have any sense of accomplishment at all!
He is very upset!

Not happy that she can make a man do things she doesn't want to do! !
Yu Shaofan and Jie Yiyi were obviously tortured to death by him, but he didn't feel the pleasure of revenge at all!

Seeing her with tears all over her face, his heart was not only uncomfortable, but also uncomfortable.

This morning, when he saw her suddenly flushed eyes, he regretted why he didn't stop her from falling in love with Yu Shaofan! !

Damn it!What happened to him?What on earth does he care about?

Back at Yan's Manor, Yan Yifeng took Jie Yiyi and threw her into the bathtub. He wanted to take off her clothes and wash her, but when he thought about why he was serving her like a servant?Do these for her?He exited the bathroom again.

damn it!
"Mother Feng, come in and give her a bath!"

This woman who doesn't know what to do is not worthy of his care!

Damn it, don't think he will buy her something in the future!
Mama Feng ran in as soon as she heard the commotion, Yan Yifeng's face was dark and irritable.

"Mr. Yan, you and Miss Yiyi..."

Feng's mother is not a troublesome person, but Jie Yiyi is so dizzy, she also has a daughter, it is inevitable that Jie Yiyi is so well-behaved and caring.

"I asked you to come in and give her a bath, what are you talking about?!" Yan Yifeng said impatiently.

Feng Ma lowered her head, as if she wanted to speak but dared not.

"Hurry up if you want to say something, don't hesitate!"

"Mr. Yan, Miss Yiyi is actually in poor health. She can't stand Mr. Yan's torment like you. Every time she faints, it has a certain blow to her body."

"I don't know what kind of grievances you have with Miss Jie's family, but hatred is hatred, Miss Jie is innocent."

"What do you know?! This ignorant woman, she gave me a cuckold!!"

(End of this chapter)

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