Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 641 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 21

Chapter 641 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 21
If she can't find the key, she will never know what Jiang Yang sent her.


She must get the key back!
At noon, the sun was very strong, Jie Yiyi quickly came to the garden while Feng's mother was cleaning.

She followed the place where she left the window, looking for it.

However, there are flowers everywhere, and finding them is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The sun was very hot again, and she searched back and forth for about half an hour, but she still couldn't find it.

But she knew that the key was not thrown away, it was in this position.

I searched again in that direction, but still found nothing.

At this time, Mama Feng came out and saw Jie Yiyi holding the sun against the sun, she hurried over and trotted over, "Miss Jie, the sun is so big, don't you want to bask in it? What are you looking for? I'll help you." you?"

Jie Yiyi wiped off the sweat from her forehead, "It's nothing, I just dropped an earring here..."

earrings?Mama Feng was surprised, would Miss Jie search here for so long for an earring?
She has so many jewelry, of course it's impossible, turning her eyes, Feng Ma guessed it, bowed her head, and searched for it with her.

Jie Yiyi couldn't bear to let Mama Feng accompany her to bask in the sun, so she advised her, "Mama Feng, you are old and your eyes are not as bright as mine. Go back, maybe I will find you soon."

Feng Ma chuckled, "That's not necessarily true."

She lifted the green leaves of the rose and searched earnestly.

"Actually, Miss Jie, you really don't have to force yourself. If you really don't have the courage to watch it, then we won't watch it. Let the past be the past."

"On the other hand, if Ms. Jie has to see it, what's the difference between seeing it now and seeing it in the future?"

"Miss Jie is still young, she has to learn to face it, what should be faced, and blindly avoiding it won't solve anything."

That's right, Mama Feng is right, what can be solved by blindly escaping?
All of this is what she should face in the end.

When it was almost dark, Mama Feng found the key in the bud of a flower.

Jie Yiyi was no longer afraid, and immediately took the key, went up to the second floor, unlocked it, gritted her teeth, and opened the package.

The contents of the package couldn't be simpler, a pen and a notepad.

Seeing that pen, Jie Yiyi's heart couldn't help throbbing.

No wonder, the police did not find the pen. It turned out that he returned the birthday present she gave him to her.


This was the book that Jiang Yang used to read when he was in prison. She remembered that when Yu Shaofan handed the book to her when the apartment was on fire, she didn't read it, but put it in a small box and buried it. In front of the grave.

He... dug it out and gave it to her.

Breathing gradually became heavy.

However, Jie Yiyi won't be escaping, she opened it.

In 2003, I was imprisoned, Yifeng, no, it was Mr. Yan, I watched the grown-up child, he pushed me into hell, Yiyi and Alan had a car accident, whether they were dead or alive, everything is unknown, I am very happy worry about them.

In 2004, Zhengxin, my savior, came to see me with a photo of Yiyi and told me about Yiyi. Although Alan left us, I feel lucky for Yiyi, she can still live happily in this world , thank God for His blessing.

In 2005, these days, a group of drug addicts came. They were in the same cell as me, and some of them died because they were too addicted to drugs. So, I am very glad that I can still live in this world.

(End of this chapter)

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