Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 644 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 24

Chapter 644 He is still taking revenge, but she can hold on 24
Jie Yiyi looked like a frightened deer, looking at him with watery and innocent eyes, as if he wanted to speak, but hesitated to speak.

Yan Yifeng took the initiative to talk to her, but she didn't know if it meant that his anger had dissipated.

"I... I know you don't like crying women."

She still remembers that time when Yan Yifeng didn't let her cry in his car.

He said she hated crying women.

Listening to her words, Yan Yifeng's icy eyes suddenly softened a little, and he pressed her head into his chest with his big palm, "I allow you to be presumptuous for a while."

His voice was like a hand reaching into her heart, gently stroking the place where she hurt just now...

But she was also afraid that this feeling would disappear soon, so she grabbed Yan Yifeng's hand and interlocked his fingers, "Yan Yifeng, are you still angry with me?"

"If this is the case, I can apologize to you, because I really shouldn't suspect you."

"It's my short-sightedness. I imagine everything is so simple. I blame you."

"see your performance!"

When the evening wind blew, he narrowed his eyes slightly and spoke with a bit of comfort.

"Yes." Jie Yiyi retreated from his embrace, "I will find a chance to apologize to you properly."

She was confused, and she didn't dare to take the initiative to please him. She was afraid that that cheap word would happen to her again.

Her sudden indifference made Yan Yifeng frown.

Seeing her back turning into the room, his heart ached slightly, as if being pricked by a needle.

"Jie Yiyi!" Yan Yifeng followed in and stopped her.

Jie Yiyi knew what he wanted to say, she put Jiang Yang's notebook away and locked it, then turned around, "Yan Yifeng, I know you don't like me apologizing to you by kissing you or serving you to bed, so, I will change."

"Angry?" he asked?
Jie Yiyi forced a smile, "No, I have no right to be angry, because I also feel that I am like that, I'm mean."

Yan Yifeng stepped forward, "Jie Yiyi, I was just angry, you don't have to take it seriously, if you mind, I can take it back."

"It's okay." Jie Yiyi smiled at him.

"The courteous came to please me in the morning. Now that my anger has subsided, you started to have sex with me again, didn't you?"

"Well, so to speak, I also want you to taste the feeling of being left out."

Yan Yifeng put his arms around her, with a smile on his lips, "Are you sure?"

"Stop making trouble, you tell me I'm sorry, I tell you I'm sorry, the previous things, write off?"

Jie Yiyi didn't push him away, and continued to stay in his arms, "But I don't want to take advantage of you like this."

"Then what do you want?"

Jie Yiyi's eyes sank, she thought for a while and said, "Watch two hours of anime with me, and then write a [-]-word review, how about it?"

Yan Yifeng smiled.

"Jie Yiyi, you are so childish!"

Pushing him away, "Childish!"

Yan Yifeng circled her back into his arms and kissed her fiercely, "Deal!"

Logically speaking, after reading the diaries written by Jiang Yang, Jie Yiyi would feel sad, so she shouldn't be joking.

But when the two of them were eating, you talked and laughed, and Yan Yifeng couldn't see through any of her emotions.

After eating, Yan Yifeng fulfilled his promise and accompanied Jie Yiyi to watch the anime of Mischievous Kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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