Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 646 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 2

Chapter 646 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 2
Slowly squatting down towards her, he stretched out his arms, wrapped around her wet body, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

When eating and watching anime, she still smiled at him, but now, she was crying like a little cat. Obviously, her strength and meaninglessness in front of him were all pretended.

She just wanted to take advantage of the shower to vent herself, but she didn't expect to let him kick the door in and catch him right away.

A breath that belonged to him passed by his nose, knowing that Yan Yifeng had come in, Jie Yiyi gave a sign first, then raised his eyes to look at him.

His face was cold and handsome, but it also revealed deep tension.

Jie Yiyi sniffed secretly, hiding her emotions, "I'm a little tired, so I'll squat here for a while."

Her dishonesty made his heart feel dull.

It's like being grabbed by a cat's paw, it doesn't hurt, but it's uncomfortable.

He raised her face, looked at her carefully, and asked, "Crying?"

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "No."

Yan Yifeng's face suddenly turned dark and ugly, "The eyes are swollen like this, and you still want to lie to me? What happened?"

"I said, I can indulge you to cry in front of me!!"

"..." Jie Yiyi was silent.

Yan Yifeng was furious, but he couldn't bear to hurt her, so he let go of her, reached out to turn off the shower, and growled.

"It's fun to hide your thoughts by yourself, isn't it?"

"Okay! If you don't tell me, I won't ask. We each have our own secrets. Don't blame me for not being honest with you in the future! You asked for it!"

His voice was not loud, but full of coldness, which made Jie Yiyi tremble uncontrollably.

The bathroom suddenly fell silent.

After a while, Jie Yiyi said, "I know, you still hate them, I'm in enough pain, I don't want to expose your old scars in front of you, and make you hurt."

"Other unhappy things, I can tell you, but this, even if I say it, you can't comfort me. So, I choose to comfort myself..."

Originally, there was still anger in my heart, but when I heard her explanation, everything disappeared.

Instead, feel sorry for her.

However, despite this, his expression on the surface was still not much better, "Stupid!"

"When did you learn to be so selfish?"

"Am I the kind of person who clings to the past?"

"Do you think that if your father is dead, I can hold my belly, laugh out loud, and have fun from head to toe?"

"You think too much."

"Now you are hiding here alone, crying pitifully, I don't feel well."

"Remember, as long as you are unhappy, I will not be happy either!"

His words made Jie Yiyi let go of herself, she hugged him tightly, her voice choked up, "Yan Yifeng, he committed suicide by taking poison to fulfill us."

"I don't know whether I should be lucky or sad. I only know that I may never be able to let you go in my life, because this love is the result of two lives."

"It symbolizes, priceless."

A warm breath rises from the two of them. Although she is topless, there is no ambiguous element, only romantic and beautiful.

Yan Yifeng lowered his head and kissed her red and swollen eyes. The gentleness of that action was heartbreaking.

"Jie Yiyi, to others, I can say a lot of touching words of love, but to you, I am just the opposite, because others are perfunctory, but you, every word comes from the heart."

(End of this chapter)

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