Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 660 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 23

Chapter 660 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 23
Yan Yifeng knew it was troublesome, she heard what Michelle said outside just now.

However, even if she questioned him, he was not afraid, because nothing happened between her and him.

Lowering his head, he looked at the woman in his arms who was questioning with jealousy. That cute appearance made him smile, "What do you want us to do?"

Jie Yiyi pinched his arm fiercely, "Yan Yifeng!"

She thought that after returning to China, her happy days would come, but she didn't expect that she was too naive.

Who is Yan Yifeng?

Those who pursue and like him, from Hong Kong to BJ, after dealing with a rival in love, there are still many to come!
She could bear the rest, but Michelle, who said the left and the right, gave her goosebumps.

Yan Yifeng frowned slightly, but still smiled handsomely, he poked her head, "The brain is full of unclean elements!"

"In Europe, I have already confessed her existence to you. During my illness, she and Feng's mother took care of me. There was nothing else. If I had to name a relationship, it would be between the nurse and the patient. between."

During the time she was away, he was thinking about her like crazy, how could he be in the mood to be sweet with other women?

She is the only one in my mind, and I feel displeased when I see anyone!

Jie Yiyi was half-believing, her face turned crooked, and she snorted, "Then how did she come to call you? The relationship between nurses and patients doesn't seem to have reached the level of intimacy, right?"

In the past, seeing her heart ache and shed tears because Yu Shaofan was with other women, he was really envious and jealous.

Now, he has successfully drawn her target. Seeing her preoccupation, his heart is extremely sweet.

Hold her tighter, "It's just a title, if you like it, you can too!"

Jie Yiyi pushed him away in disgust, "Who wants to call you by the same name as her?"

On the surface, I feel disgusted, but in fact, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart.

As her woman, she had never called him that before, but now, she was taken over by a nurse.

Yan Yifeng straightened her small face, "I didn't ask you to call me Feng, you can call someone who is closer, dear or husband!"

Jie Yiyi's goosebumps fell all over the ground. It turned out that this was where he was proud of from beginning to end.

However, what he said also made her tremble.

After being together for so long, the two of them have always called each other by their first names, as if they had never been called honey, baby or anything like other couples.

She looked at Yan Yifeng with a cold and handsome face. If Yan Yifeng didn't call her Jie Yiyi, what would he call her?


A chill strikes~Come on, what if I don't call him Yan Yifeng?What will you call him again?
Yifeng?Ah Feng?husband……

Uh, all kinds of shivering, obviously very easy to say, but I can't scream.

Just like she couldn't call out her parents in front of Jiang Yang and Huang Fulan.

Forget it, it's easier to call Yan Yifeng.

Moreover, her husband is too far away, she and Yan Yifeng don't know when they will get married...

"Good idea!" Jie Yiyi refused.

Yan Yifeng's heart suddenly moved, "Jie Yiyi, call your husband to listen?"

He looked at her with anticipation in his eyes.

Jie Yiyi was a little embarrassed to be stared at by him, she turned her face away, "No."

His heart was pounding, and he actually made such a request.

(End of this chapter)

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