Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 662 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 25

Chapter 662 Yan Yifeng, I'm Pregnant 25
Jie Yiyi chuckled, "Yan Yifeng, you are a businessman, you probably don't know that when negotiating terms with the other party, you should show your sincerity first, right?"

I didn't even bark, I wanted to coax her to speak, hum!Why not!

Her words made Yan Yifeng's eyes shine, "Jie Yiyi, have you become smarter?!"

I know how to deal with it.

Jie Yiyi stuck out her tongue at her, "I learned from you!"

Yan Yifeng pinched her soft butt, his voice was cold and harsh, "But this is not a business war, nor a deal! It's just a love story between couples. If you want to call me husband, you won't become dumb. What are you afraid of?"

Jie Yiyi smiled brightly, "Speaking of love depends on the atmosphere, okay? I'm tired now, and I don't want to open my mouth. I'll think about it when I'm in a better mood and happy!"

"Huh?" Yan Yifeng's eyes sparkled with ambiguity, "You're hinting at me, what are you doing?"

Uh... he doesn't want to mess around again, does he?She didn't have the strength to accompany him.

"Don't think about it, I didn't say anything!"

"You have! You mean to let me... eat you!" He pounced on her, ready to kiss her.

But at this moment, a sour feeling surged up in her stomach. I don't know if it was because of the greasy food she ate at night or because Yan Yifeng moved too much and pressed her stomach.

She was so uncomfortable that she was about to vomit, and regardless of whether Yan Yifeng would be angry, she pushed him away, jumped out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

"Ouch—" He retched, but found that he didn't really want to vomit, but just felt a little nauseous.

Uh... wait!
This symptom seems to have been experienced before! !

Back then, when she was pregnant, didn't she often retch like this?

It's just that I feel extremely uncomfortable, but I can't vomit anything.

With joy in her heart, she couldn't help moving her hand to her lower abdomen. Is she pregnant?
Thinking back, during this month and a half, she and Yan Yifeng had frequent bed affairs, if counting the daytime, it was almost every day.

If she is really pregnant, it is not surprising at all, it just so happens that she has always wanted a child!

How long has it been since you had your period?

She did the math, and it was exactly one month until today.

If it is not pregnant, it will come in the evening or tomorrow...

"What's wrong? You've been retching recently, what did you eat wrong?"

Yan Yifeng walked into the bathroom and wiped her mouth with a tissue.

Then fetch water and rinse her mouth.

"I seem to..." Jie Yiyi put her little hand on her belly, feeling happy and worried at the same time.

She was happy that she was pregnant, but she was worried that it was just a trick of God.

After all, she had just had a miscarriage, but after all, it was almost four months.

Originally, I wanted to tell him that I seemed to be pregnant, but I was afraid that the test would find out that it was wrong, which would ruin his mood.

She held back again, "I seem to have eaten too greasy at night, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable. I'll go to the retail store to get some Huamei to eat."

With that said, she put on her shoes and walked out the door.

This woman hesitated to speak!

Want sour again?Could it be?

"Stop!" Yan Yifeng called to stop her.

Jie Yiyi stopped, looked back at him and smiled, "What's wrong?"

Yan Yifeng walked towards her, then looked at her carefully, stroked her flat belly with his big palm, and then asked, "How long has it been since your menstrual period?"

Uh, I wanted to give him a surprise, but unexpectedly, he found out!However, whether you are pregnant or not, you have to check to know.

(End of this chapter)

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