Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 668 False Pregnancy Phenomenon

Chapter 668 False Pregnancy Phenomenon

Although she had vaccinated herself in advance last night, saying that no matter what the result was, she had to accept it, but now, this hope was suddenly shattered, which made it hard for her to accept it!
She clearly felt that there was a different blood flowing in her stomach, how could she not be pregnant?
She raised her eyes to look at the doctor, but he immediately averted his eyes.

No, something is wrong!

However, she just had this thought and didn't say it out. The camera turned to Yan Yifeng again. He crumpled up the report and threw it on the doctor's face, "It really made me doubt your professional level, she vomited So powerful, how could she not be pregnant? Do another checkup!"

His voice was cold and stern, revealing the awe-inspiring majesty and undeniable dignity in the world.

The doctor's face turned pale, and he was a little guilty, but he quickly regained his composure, "Miss Jie vomits because her stomach is irritated, and after eating food that is sensitive to the stomach, she is prone to this kind of vomiting." Condition."

"Another point, Miss Jie may be too eager to have a child, so it will cause false pregnancy!"

False pregnancy?
His words, let the two conquer.

She did want a baby, but not to that extent.

Moreover, the menstrual period did not come, what does this represent?
However, she would not reveal the guessing in her heart, but just hid it, touched her belly, she smiled a little embarrassedly, "In this case, you go back first, I'm really sorry, let you go for nothing .”

"Jie Yiyi!" Yan Yifeng turned his face sideways, "Do you also believe in false pregnancy?"

Yan Yifeng was very depressed, and couldn't even believe that she didn't have a child in her stomach!
Jie Yiyi smiled and said, "Okay, I told you last night, don't be happy too early, you will be disappointed, you still don't believe it."

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he had nothing to do, he took his leave and left.

Yan Yifeng touched her stomach, "Change the doctor to check again?"

He still couldn't believe the fact that she wasn't pregnant.

A sternness flashed in Jie Yiyi's eyes.

The night before returning to China, she thought a lot. In order to be with Yan Yifeng, she has become too many eyesores.

No matter who is the rival in love, the enemy, or his father, they all want to get rid of her.

The only thing she can do now is to protect herself first, and then attack.

Check it out and there is no result, right?Well, she will cooperate!
However, she didn't dare to say for sure if someone was interfering with it, because all of this was just her guess, maybe it was because she had suffered too many injuries, and her vigilance gradually became higher.

Just by feeling, I don't know if I'm really pregnant!
Containing all emotions, she laughed and teased Yan Yifeng, "Why don't you give up? If you are not pregnant, you will check ten times, and you are still not pregnant."

If someone really wants to deal with her, even if ten batches of doctors come in, the test results will still be the same, because someone will definitely bribe the doctor one step ahead of her, so why not move a stool and sit down and see what they want to do!
"..." Yan Yifeng was silent, and it was obvious that he was very disappointed. After all, he was excited all night yesterday, but he was looking forward to such news!

Jie Yiyi's heart was warm, she leaned against Yan Yifeng's arms, and played with his Adam's apple, "Yan Yifeng, do you like children?"

(End of this chapter)

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