Chapter 677

Seeing this, a thoughtful glint flashed in Yan Yifeng's eyes.

Jie Yiyi came out of the dressing room, put the clothes on the bed~, lowered the screen, and called him, "Yan Yifeng, come and change!"

Looking back at the little woman standing by the bed, he twitched the corner of his mouth and walked towards her.

Jie Yiyi took off his nightgown for him, and put on a light blue shirt and trousers for him.

It's winter now, and the temperature in City S has dropped a lot.

If you only wear a suit, you will definitely catch a cold.

So, Jie Yiyi put an extra woolen vest on top of his shirt, and then put on a black overcoat.

In this way, his slim and straight figure appeared even taller.

Although he is all black, he can always control a different casualness and handsomeness when he wears clothes.

Subvert all beings.

"Okay!" Jie Yiyi said after buttoning the last button.

Yan Yifeng grabbed her small and delicate hand, "Show courtesy for nothing, steal or steal!"

Jie Yiyi rolled his eyes at him, and withdrew his hand, "Is that why you can't see me being nice to you?"

With a snigger in her heart, she turned her back and pretended to be angry, "Then I won't change your clothes for you from now on."

But having said that, her behavior today is indeed a bit weird.

Because she usually rarely takes the initiative to do these things for Yan Yifeng.

He doubted something, and he should.

Yan Yifeng's hand hugged her slender body, resting his chin on her shoulder, rubbing her cheek with his lips, "Jie Yiyi, I just like to see you angry and acting like a spoiled child."

Jie Yiyi bumped him with an elbow, "Come on."

"Love talk doesn't work for me."

"Duplicity, there is no woman who doesn't like sweet talk, kiss me!"

"No kiss!" After the next kiss, he went mad again.

"Kiss!" Yan Yifeng turned her face, making her look at him.

An enlarged version of his handsome face appeared in Jie Yiyi's clear eyes. His handsomeness made people's hearts flutter.

Jie Yiyi waited for a while, put her lips close to him, and kissed him lightly. Seeing that he didn't respond, she licked it again, and then backed away, "Okay, you should go down and have breakfast."

If it weren't for the meeting time approaching, Yan Yifeng might not let her off so easily.

He took her hand and came to the dining table.

Feng Ma took out the prepared breakfast and put it on the dining table.

Just as Jie Yiyi wanted to drink milk, she heard Mama Feng's voice from the kitchen, "Miss Xue'er, go and have breakfast first, here, I'll clean it up!"

Hearing this name, Jie Yiyi decisively closed her mouth and put the milk back on the dining table.

Glancing suspiciously at the kitchen, he secretly asked in his heart: Is this breakfast prepared by Michelle?
A young lady with a princess disease, I'm afraid she hasn't even entered the kitchen at home, how can she want to be here, doing the housework of the servants?

"What?" Seeing him put down the milk, Yan Yifeng asked.

"I'm tired of eating Western food all the time. I want to eat Chinese food."

At this time, Michelle came out from inside and brought a bowl of porridge over, "Yiyi, you want Chinese food."

In front of her was a bowl of white millet porridge, Jie Yiyi stared at it and forgot for a while, then raised her eyes and gave Michelle a grateful look, "Thank you."

Seeing Michelle standing aside, she invited her to sit down, "Let's eat together."

"Actually, these things can be left to the servants. You are a guest, so why bother you?"

"The kitchen is dirty, I'm afraid it might stain Miss Xue'er's clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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