Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 688 I fell one by one!

Chapter 688 I fell one by one!
Yan Yifeng glared at her, "Eat!"

Looking at his cold and serious face, Jie Yiyi only wanted to say one thing: Pretending to be struck by lightning!

As soon as the thought came to her, she immediately covered her mouth again.

Well, she made a slip of the tongue.

It was already ten o'clock when we returned to Yan's house.

And Mama Feng had notified Michelle in advance that Miss Jie and Mr. Yan would not come back for dinner, so she told her not to wait!

So, she had to eat obediently.

This day, Feng's mother was staring at her, she was a bit unexpected, and she didn't make any movement.

However, if Jie Yiyi was not at home for a day, even if she wanted to do something, she would have no chance.

What's more, there is usually calm before the storm.

She is not in a hurry, what is she in a hurry?
Michelle was not seen in the living room, so she probably fell asleep.

It just so happened that she didn't really want to see her either.

Yan Yifeng's cell phone rang, he picked it up, and went up the stairs, while Jie Yiyi followed behind him.

Seeing him who was almost a head taller than her, she couldn't help sighing that the way ahead of her was blocked by him.

However, with him by my side, anything is fine!

Because she knew that no matter what, he would protect him.

Just when she was about to step forward and hold his hand, her feet suddenly slipped and she tilted, making it too late for her to catch him, her body lost her balance, and she almost fell backwards uncontrollably.

"Ah——" Countless pictures of babies flashed through her mind, she wanted to grab it but couldn't, she screamed unwillingly.

She thought that she would fall down the stairs because of this, but she is a lucky person, no matter when and where, there will be someone around her to protect her.

A big hand grabbed her hand with lightning speed, pulled it back into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Falling into the warm embrace, Jie Yiyi's tense heart suddenly relaxed a little, but the situation was too critical just now, if it wasn't for Yan Yifeng's presence, she and the baby might...

She looked at the greasy water stains under her feet, which were blurred by the slippery shoes, and she hated Tengsheng in her heart. Fortunately, she was wearing flat shoes today. If it were high heels, the consequences would be disastrous.

Did Michelle do it?
Very good, you can't hold back anymore, can you?

If you survive a catastrophe, you will have future blessings, Michelle, you will not have a good life!
"Are you injured?"

"A sprained foot?"

Seeing Jie Yiyi's pale face, Yan Yifeng immediately knelt down to greet her.

Jie Yiyi's heart was still beating wildly, unable to calm down, but at this time, she had to keep calm.

"I'm fine," she told him.

Yan Yifeng took off her shoes, looked at her repeatedly, and was relieved when she saw that it was all right. When she got up, she took another look at her flat belly.

Heart, tugging and tugging, seeing her cast a peaceful look, he was relieved.

He held her tightly in his arms, not daring to let go for a moment.

Then he roared downstairs, "Mama Feng, get out here!"

Mama Feng, who was still busy downstairs, ran up immediately when she heard the sound. Seeing Jie Yiyi's pale face, and looking again, there was a blur of water stains under her feet, and her chest was tight. She immediately greeted Miss Jie, and listened. She was relieved when she said it was okay.

"Don't give me a reasonable explanation. Tonight, everyone will roll the stairs for me, and I will fall one by one!"

Needless to say, Mama Feng already knew the details. Fortunately, Miss Jie is fine, otherwise, the consequences, really, ten Mama Feng would not be enough to pay back!

(End of this chapter)

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