Chapter 691

Jie Yiyi smiled meaninglessly, "Mama Feng, there are so many audiences in the audience, and the actor came to interact with us, of course we have to cooperate, otherwise, will we not be able to ruin her place?"

"The place is going to be smashed, but not now. People like Lan Xianxian, who are instigated by others, really don't deserve sympathy. But, I must have my own reasons for doing this."

"Also, haven't you noticed that what happened last night is full of flaws?"

To see through but not to expose, when the time is right, tear off her mask violently, so that she will never be reborn forever.

When Jie Yiyi said this, Feng's mother had some guesses, she looked at her, "Miss Jie means that Lan Xianxian's sprinkling of soup was indeed intentional, but it was not her own intention, she was ordered by others?"

Jie Yiyi poured a cup of tea for Feng's mother, her eyes darkened a little, then she nodded, "I have observed Lan Xianxian and Michelle carefully, they have met several times."

"Of course, this alone can't prove anything, but, doesn't Mama Feng feel that something is a little strange?"

"Few of the servants in the Yan family don't understand Yan Yifeng's bad temper. No matter what it is, as long as he is upset or even a little unhappy, it will kill them. Although he is a rich man, most people dare not provoke him easily. .”

"How many servants who have done something wrong will volunteer like Lan Xianxian without asking themselves? Unconditionally accuse yourself of the crime?"

"The servants of the Yan family, when did they do something wrong, didn't they have to be tortured to extract a confession before they were truthfully recruited?"

"This time, if Lan Xianxian didn't recruit, we would have no way to find out the real culprit, because it just so happens that the staircase is a dead corner, a place that cannot be seen by surveillance. She can deny it completely, why should she admit it? Woolen cloth?"

"Also, when did the Yan family stipulate that servants can bring mobile phones to work? Are you still playing Weibo?"

"This is an obvious, undrafted lie."

Jie Yiyi's analysis made Feng's mother admire, "Miss Jie, you have grown up!"

"That's right. Lan Xianxian took advantage of others, so she was willing to bear the pain of flesh and blood. In addition, she expected that Miss Jie would be kind-hearted and would intercede for her, so she did such a risky thing."

"Miss Jie, you did the right thing. You can't expose her now that you have no proof, but next time, I will definitely find her!!"

Jie Yiyi stretched out her hand to hold her hand, she was very grateful, "Mama Feng, if the people around me were as nice as you and thought of me, that would be great!"

"Actually, I also want to be carefree, free from scheming, free from calculations, and live happily."

"But I found that I can't. Instead of letting others calculate, it's better to act first!!"

As she said that, she leaned into Mama Feng's ear and whispered something to her.

Mama Feng nodded, "Success!"

Afterwards, Mama Feng recovered her expression and left the room as if nothing had happened.

And Jie Yiyi went downstairs after basking in the sun for a while.

I went to the garden to admire the flowers, and when I saw that it was almost time, I went back to Yan's house and sat on the sofa to read a magazine.

And this time.

Michelle's dessert has just been made.

She hooked her lips into a smile, and seeing Jie Yiyi in the living room, she walked over with slim steps.

First, she glanced at the magazine in her hand, and then interrupted her contemplation, "Yiyi, I made dessert, would you like to try it?"

In fact, Jie Yiyi's thoughts were not in the magazine from the beginning to the end, but it is necessary to put on a show, she paused, then raised her eyes, "What are you trying?"

(End of this chapter)

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