Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 700 Expose Your True Colors 6

Chapter 700 Expose Your True Colors 6
As soon as her words fell, Jie Yiyi immediately got down from Yan Yifeng's lap, approached her, put her small hand on her forehead, measured her temperature, everything was normal, but this... Jie Yiyi blinked her eyes, thought for a while, Ask, "Convulsion?"

Michelle glared at her and slapped her hand away.

Jie Yiyi's eyes darkened for a moment, feeling refreshed in her heart, but on the surface, she was full of anger, "You took the responsibility on yourself generously, and pretended to be pitiful and innocent in front of Ah Feng. I don't object at all, because this matter was originally your fault!"

"Yes, I admit that I'm not good at cooking, but Miss Xue'er, I hope you make it clear that I didn't cook this breakfast for you, but for Ah Feng. Your taste is different from his. , I can understand, but I can't bear it, you, an outsider, throw my plate in front of so many people and destroy my man's appetite!"

"If I remember correctly, you ate seafood yesterday? Knowing that you are allergic to seafood, you still ate it desperately? Saying you are sensible, you can't talk about it, saying you are an idiot, and scolding you is a bit ugly. I originally wanted to give You save some face, but I don't like acting the most in my life, and I don't bother to accept your apology without sincerity!"

"You treat me like this in front of the servant, don't you just want to embarrass me? Make me feel so inferior that I dare not go into the kitchen again? So that you can serve Ah Feng and make me jealous? Hmph ... Let me tell you, I can bear this small blow. I go into the kitchen every day and cook for Ah Feng. Just now, it’s not like you didn’t miss his delicious food. As long as Ah Feng is happy, what about outsiders? , so what, I don't live to please you."

Yes, she did this today, and the purpose of making such a fuss was to prevent Michelle from entering the kitchen.

Do everything by yourself, at least there is a guarantee of safety. For her, it doesn't matter if it is tiring or difficult, as long as the child is safe.

In two days, she will leave Yan's house. She doesn't know what tricks she will use. If she is allowed to continue to be kind in front of the servants, I am afraid that her viciousness will never be exposed for the rest of her life.

She wanted to be angry with her on purpose right now. She showed her fox tail when she was angry, and when she was angry, she waved her paws and threw herself at her!

It was obvious that she was at fault first, but now she is irrational, Michelle's face turned pale with anger, she pointed at Jie Yiyi and said, "You... It's because you put other ingredients in the bread and chicken nuggets on purpose Let me not be able to eat, come to provoke me, if you are wrong, first, I have already backed down and apologized to you, but you still... Yiyi, I can see you clearly, you are such a woman!"

"Put other ingredients?" Jie Yiyi frowned with a mocking look, "Miss Xue'er, you have done too many unscrupulous things, which caused you to go crazy, right? How could I do such a dirty thing? Put ingredients in your bread ?”

She looked calm, and after she finished speaking, she turned sideways and said to the servant beside her, "Ayin! Come here, come and taste the things on this plate, is it really what Miss Xueer said? Can't swallow!!"

Her voice was cold and stern, quite like a queen.

Upon hearing this, the servant Ah Yin immediately stepped forward and nodded, "Yes!"

Then, she cut a large piece of bread and chicken nuggets with a knife and fork and put them into her mouth. She chewed them with relish. At first, she frowned a little, but later, she showed her appreciation and gave a thumbs up, "Jie Miss, I am very honored to have the breakfast you made, it tastes really good and leaves a lasting fragrance in your mouth!"

(End of this chapter)

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