Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 71 Don't Take Me With You, OK? 2

Chapter 71 Don't Take Me With You, OK? 2
When did he buy these clothes?Why doesn't she know?
"Why do you need to change clothes?" Jie Yiyi didn't like these clothes, she wasn't that delicate, and she couldn't wear them out of style.This is Ashish's evaluation of her.In fact, she thinks so.

"Whispering, change it if you want!" Yan Yifeng took out a black lace dress from the closet and handed it to her.

Jie Yiyi didn't take it, she knew he was going to take her out again, Jie Yiyi broke away from his hand, and backed away, "Yan Yifeng, I beg you to go out to play with women and don't take me with you, okay?"

None of the women around him were normal, and she couldn't stand it, the voice of tenderness was really creepy.

Yan Yifeng stared at her coldly, scolding her for being smart, "Who said I'm going out to play with women? Jie Yiyi, don't act like you know me very well!"

Not playing with women?That's just back from playing with women!
He said it himself.A man is not a man without a cock in his head.

"Who knows you so little..." Jie Yiyi whispered.

Yan Yifeng took the skirt in front of her and tried it out twice, and changed into a pink one, the design is simple but beautiful.

"Put it on, and I'll take you to a place."

Jie Yiyi still didn't take it, her eyes were asking about where to go.

Yan Yifeng was about to burst into anger, "Jie Yiyi, I don't mind changing it for you myself!"

After speaking, his eyes warmed up, and suddenly became ambiguous.

"I'll just change it myself." Jie Yiyi snatched the skirt in his hand, turned around and went into the bathroom, and suddenly turned her head again, "Yan Yifeng, I don't know where you are taking me. Shaofan, it can only prove that this is fate!"

"Don't worry 1 times!"

"Also, let me declare first that I didn't want to wear this skirt voluntarily. If it is damaged or ruined, I won't pay for it." After finishing speaking, she slammed the bathroom door coldly.

Yan Yifeng held back the desire to get angry.

Damn woman.

This dress was bought for her... What's her tone?So Yan Yifeng couldn't afford clothes for women?Repay?Pay you a ghost!
Jie Yiyi was in the bathroom, she didn't change her skirt immediately, but took a shower, and then slowly put on a light pink skirt.

However, just halfway through wearing it, the door was kicked open suddenly, and Jie Yiyi quickly covered her naked body with her skirt, "Pervert, get out!"

A burst of residual fragrance from the bath came from the bathroom, making Yan Yifeng dizzy for a moment, looking at Jie Yiyi's delicate white body and pink face, the blood in his body boiled all of a sudden.


He waited for a while, suppressed his desire~ Huo said coldly, "Jieyiyi, I will let you change clothes, and you will give me a bath? Are you going to fight against me?"

He almost thought she committed suicide inside.Damn woman, she can change into a small clock with a change of clothes, she is very good at it!

Jie Yiyi's big eyes flashed, her small lips moved lightly, Yan Yifeng couldn't stand this woman, stepped forward to hold her down, and asked for a fierce kiss before letting her go, "Dare to tempt me! Tonight you Dead!"

He also hadn't touched her for three or four days.

"Yan Yifeng, go out, I haven't changed my clothes yet!" Jie Yiyi pretended to be calm.

"Wear it in front of me!"

Which part of her whole body has he not seen?

"do not want!"

Jie Yiyi flatly refused.

"If you keep procrastinating for me, believe it or not, I will rape you?"

(End of this chapter)

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