Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 721 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one

Chapter 721 Are you sure the child she is carrying is yours? twenty one
Jie Yiyi was holding the bowl that Michelle had stuffed in, she was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect that she would come up with such a bitter trick.

A lowly person is invincible, she is not afraid, not at all, because she believes that Yan Yifeng will stand by her side!
"Yan..." Before Yan Yifeng's name was called out, Michelle had already rushed towards him, crying even more aggrieved, "Feng, Yiyi is too bad, she is really too bad."

I thought that when Yan Yifeng saw her in such a miserable state, he would definitely step forward to comfort her immediately, but no...

He frowned, and took a step back in disgust, because when she came in just now, she had already caught sight of the scene where Michelle hit her forehead with a bowl.

Michelle quickly regained her senses in surprise, taking advantage of the presence of all the servants, she moved out all the things Jie Yiyi told her, "Feng, you know, you know, Yiyi knows that I like you , so there is a big prejudice against me, have you forgotten how she treated me that morning? She deliberately burned my bread and deliberately added cow urine to the fresh cow..."

"Also, the night before yesterday, she pretended to be a ghost to scare me. Not only that, but she also asked the doctor to give a report saying that I was overindulgent, wind, it's nothing if I get hurt, what I'm afraid of is..."

Michelle had a runny nose and tears, and she spoke provocatively and pitifully.

Jie Yiyi couldn't stand it anymore, smashed the bowl in her hand to the ground, then walked towards her with cold eyes, "Michelle, don't pretend to be pitiful here, pretend to be weak, and use bitter tricks, I tell you, I have recorded everything you have done and said, if you insist on being shameless, then don’t blame me, I am rude to you!!”

Michelle was anxious when she heard that, she immediately grabbed Yan Yifeng's hand and explained, "Feng...I don't understand what she said, you don't believe her, she just admitted that she pretended to be a ghost to scare me , told me personally."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Yan Yifeng turned his head back with a smile, looked at her as if he had seen an alien, and then pushed her hand away in disgust, his voice was extremely gloomy, "I'm sorry, this matter , I am the mastermind!"

Yes, just such a sentence brought Michelle back to her original shape.

After working for a long time, it turned out that these things were planned by them long ago?
Saying that, Yan Yifeng walked towards Jie Yiyi, wanting to put his arms around her.

However, a harsh word from behind caught him off guard.

Michelle gritted her teeth and looked at Jie Yiyi, she didn't care, what she couldn't get, no one else could get it!
So, I simply moved out all the things that could be moved, "Feng, do you really understand Yiyi?"

"Are you sure her true love is you?"

"Feng, don't be stupid, I think she is taking revenge on you!"

Michelle's words angered Yan Yifeng and Jie Yiyi, they said at the same time, "Shut up!"

(End of this chapter)

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