Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 728 You don't believe me, do you? 7

Chapter 728 You don't believe me, do you? 7
Jie Yiyi pursed her lips, a little dissatisfied, "Why do you keep urging me to sleep? Didn't I wait for you to come with me?"

Yan Yifeng narrowed his eyes, lowered his head and kissed her lips, then let go, "I'm afraid you'll be exhausted."

When Jie Yiyi heard it, her heart felt warm. She hooked his small hands around his neck, and sprinkled hot breath on his face, "I slept all day today, and I am not tired. You are getting more and more busy at work. I want to talk to you." There is no time to chat."

"Oh?" Yan Yifeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

Although it was difficult to speak, she had to speak out today, otherwise she would not have a chance to explain in the future.

So, I simply raised my eyes and looked directly at him, "Yan Yifeng, I have something to tell you."

Yan Yifeng was also slightly aware that something was wrong with this woman today.

He hugged her tightly and put his chin against her head, "Good girl, it's time for you to rest, what's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

However, after finally finding this opportunity, how could Jie Yiyi let it go.

She shook her head, "No, let me finish talking, and I'll sleep after I finish."

"..." Yan Yifeng was silent.

Neither agreed nor disapproved.

Jie Yiyi buried herself in his arms, her voice was low, "Yan Yifeng, in fact, I can explain to you the photo of me and Shaofan."

"When I first arrived in Europe that day, my mind was full of the situation where you were shot. I felt uncomfortable and blamed myself, so I inserted the dagger into..."

Before she finished speaking, Yan Yifeng interrupted, "You don't need to explain, I know everything."

Jie Yiyi stayed in his arms for a while, then raised her eyes in surprise, "So, are you willing to believe that Shaofan and I are innocent? You are also willing to believe the child..."

"You don't want me to believe you?" he asked back.

Jie Yiyi shook her head, "Of course I hope, but even if you believe it, I still want to explain it to you!"

Yan Yifeng pinched her small nose pamperingly, "Since you believe it, you don't need to explain it! If you explain it, is it still believed?"

He answered so firmly, but when Jie Yiyi looked up at him, he saw the melancholy and other unknown emotions in his eyes.

Not questioning, not doubting, this kind of him, on the contrary, made her uneasy.

She stopped him, "Yan Yifeng."

He looked down at her, "what's the matter?"

I wanted to say, but didn't say, "It's okay."

"Good night." Yan Yifeng reached out and turned off the desk lamp.

But Jie Yiyi didn't close her eyes. Although she had already explained it, and Yan Yifeng also said that she believed her, but she always vaguely felt that there seemed to be some barrier between them, which seemed to be there, but could not be grasped. Where does the residence come from.

Tossing and turning unable to fall asleep, Jie Yiyi raised her eyes to look at Yan Yifeng again, what was surprising was that he didn't sleep, and kept his eyes open.

Jie Yiyi burrowed into his arms, hugged his little hands, tightened a little more, and then said, "Yan Yifeng, why aren't you asleep?"

"What about you?"

"Maybe because I sleep for a long time during the day, so at night..."

"Yeah." He responded, but didn't answer, the reason why he didn't sleep.

Jie Yiyi felt more and more uncomfortable in her heart, and finally couldn't help but say, "Yan Yifeng, are you really willing to believe me?"

Yan Yifeng turned over and pushed her down, but when he thought of her pregnancy, he got off her body again, grabbed her chin, and frantically snatched the sweetness from her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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