Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 736 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 8

Chapter 736 Sorry, I Misunderstood You 8
After not seeing her answer for a long time, Yan Yifeng was a little anxious, did he yell a little louder just now?

A few days ago, he also saw her indifference to him.

She wouldn't yell at him like other women, she was quiet.

It's eerily quiet.

 It is said that silence is a woman's loudest cry.

He knew that when she saw him flipping through those photos, she felt uncomfortable.

But, one day, she will know that all his good intentions are for her.

"Jie Yiyi." He called her.

Jie Yiyi turned her head and looked at him, her eyes were crystal clear, heartbreakingly bright, heartbreakingly crystal, "Huh?"

"Sorry, I just yelled at you!"

"It's ok."

She spoke lightly, as if I didn't care.

The more she looks like nothing can break me, the more Yan Yifeng's heart aches.

But how should he overcome that hurdle?

   How To?She will understand?

   He straightened her face, facing himself, Yan Yifeng kissed her lips lightly, and then let go after a while, "Jie Yiyi, I don't doubt you about the baby, many things are not like what you see , as expected."

Jie Yiyi lay in his arms, nodded with calm eyes, "I know."

  "Good." Yan Yifeng stroked her hair gently.

 After that, he carried her back to the room and washed her body.

Then he dried her hair again.

  After she fell asleep, he went into the bathroom by himself.

After taking a bath, seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he kissed her on the forehead, and then turned off the desk lamp.

Instead of going to bed, she left the room and went to the study.

Get on with his business.

Jie Yiyi said that she can only sleep soundly and peacefully in his arms.

It can be seen that this statement is not false.

Not long after he left, she woke up.

   After waking up, I found that Yan Yifeng was no longer beside the bed.

Her heart went cold.

Eye sockets are also moist.

She got out of bed.

Came to Yan Yifeng's study.

  Seeing him so focused, she smiled.

It turned out that he was still investigating, and had been investigating all along.

He still didn't believe her.

The scene where he was serious was simply ironic to her.

She didn't push the door in like last time, turn around and leave. She came to the living room and watched a movie.

It was a very classic work 'Titanic'.

Rose's fiance put the diamond necklace in Jack's pocket and planted him. He was detained and trapped in the room. Rose believed that Jack hadn't stolen the diamond necklace and risked her life to save him. That scene was very touching and painful. Jie Yiyi's heart.

Isn't Yan Yifeng's intuition very accurate?

Why couldn't he trust her with his instincts?

And to believe the nonsense of outsiders?

Michelle said that she was in Europe a month and a half ago, and he was recuperating.

Did Yan Yifeng forget what happened to the two of them in the hospital?

   At that time, he would touch her every night, and he kept asking for her.

Perhaps, that would be pregnant.

However, he forgot.

Seeing the scene where Jack closed his eyes and couldn't wake up again, tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

Could it be that there is no perfect love in this world?
(End of this chapter)

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