Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 747 Little Happiness Part 3

Chapter 747 Little Happiness Part 3
Yan Yifeng is an extremely serious person, and he never creates an atmosphere at home.

It is because of this that after entering Yan's house, he will feel like he has entered a cold palace.

Jie Yiyi was a little startled, but she still stuck out her tongue mischievously at him, "You told me that before you fell asleep last night!"

"You said, this is my home, and I can do whatever I want without your consent."

Yes, relying on this sentence, Jie Yiyi moved Santa Claus into the house.

this woman...

Yesterday she stayed in his arms, opening her mouth pitifully, saying that she had no relatives and no home.

In order to comfort her, he gave her many privileges that even he himself never had.

He thought that she was just taking the opportunity to express her feelings, just talking casually.

Unexpectedly, these words came from a conspiracy.

good!This woman is smart!

  Seeing that Yan Yifeng remained silent, Jie Yiyi smiled brightly like a lily, "I am thinking of the baby!"

"The doctor said that we need to go out frequently to let the baby see the outside world. However, the snow outside is so thick that I'm afraid he will be frozen, so I can only stay at home..."

"Eat!" Yan Yifeng cut off her words.

  Glancing at him, his face was still stinky.

But in front of the servants, he saved face for her.

Did not scold her.

  Jie Yiyi nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

  After eating, Yan's house was completely set up.

  The snowflakes are soft and comfortable under the feet, and the lights hanging on the Christmas tree are twinkling, which is quite beautiful. However, Santa Claus standing on the stairs will say "Merry Christmas" every time he passes by.

   It's not that she hasn't spent Christmas, it's just that she hasn't spent Christmas with her lover.

Christmas before.

   All by herself.

Every Christmas Eve, Jie Momo would go out with her friends to travel and go skiing, and would not come back until after Christmas.

And she, because many friends were coaxed by Jie Momo, ignored her existence.

Yu Shaofan is studying abroad again.

Why didn't she live alone?
So, now that it's rare to be with the one she loves, she just wants to have a happy, warm Christmas that only belongs to the two of them.

That's it.

Go upstairs.

Jie Yiyi found pajamas for Yan Yifeng, put away the bath water, and let him take a bath.

  Then I started showering myself.

  When he came out, Yan Yifeng was already sitting on the sofa.

Jie Yiyi looked at him, then took out the fruit she had prepared from the cabinet, and walked towards him.

Yan Yifeng stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms.

The two apples in his hand fell on the sofa.

   Yan Yifeng looked at the engraved red apple and asked, "This is?"

Jie Yiyi hurriedly picked them up, held them firmly in her palm, and then handed one of them to Yan Yifeng's hand, "On Christmas Eve, I want to eat apples."

"Why?" he asked.

"It's a custom, you will live a safe life if you eat it." Jie Yiyi said.

   Yan Yifeng snorted, "Huh? Do you believe this too?"

Holding the apple in his hand, he looked at it, then his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Why is your name engraved?"

Uh... Guiltyly, Jie Yiyi turned her head away and pretended not to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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