Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 763 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three

Chapter 763 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three
He didn't believe her, but she endured it!
He didn't believe that the baby was his, so she endured it!

However, she couldn't tolerate him being with other women.

She will suffer.

That feeling was like being in the middle of the sea. The cold sea water was like thousands of knives stabbing at her, making her unable to think or breathe. There was only pain all over her body...

  Yu Shaofan was woken up by the cold water.

He looked at her with surprise in his eyes.

 He didn't expect that Lin Xi would lose his temper.

But doesn't this prove that she also cares about him?
He couldn't see her with other men, and she couldn't see him with other women.

  What is this kind of care?
He was very confused, and wanted to speak up, but Lin Xi pushed him and Jia Wen away, and passed between them.

In this way, she only left a back for him.

He wanted to call her to stop, but when the words came to his mouth, they got stuck in his throat and he was unable to speak for a long time.

In fact, he wanted to say, Lin Xi, let's have a good talk, no matter what you explain, I will listen.

However, she walked farther and farther until she disappeared from sight.

Jiawen stood aside, seeing Yu Shaofan staring like an idiot, and squeezed his wrist fiercely, "Cousin, why are you in a daze? Why don't you come back and explain?"

"Is it useful?" Yu Shaofan looked at her.

What did Lin Xi just say?
Saying that falling in love with him is the most stupid and innocent thing she has ever done in her life?

She was angry, he knew it.

Jiawen gave him a cold look, "Nonsense!"

"Don't chase me any more, I'll tell her the truth, and I'll tell you, you actually like..." she said.

Before she could say two words, Yu Shaofan immediately covered her mouth, "Shut up!"

 I don't know why, but I heard the word "like".

His heartbeat accelerated sharply.

It couldn't be concealed, and it was about to come out of the throat at a rapid speed.

Why, hearing Jiawen say this, he would be so nervous?

In addition to tension, more is to escape.

Because he was afraid that the little secret hidden deep in his heart would be discovered by others.

Therefore, he had to cover it up so that no one would find out.

Jiawen is not as secretive as he is, and brushes his hand away, "Why are you so nervous? If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it! Could it be that you are still being discovered?"

"Like you, you want to love but also take care of your face and self-esteem. While you are hurting yourself, you will also hurt others."

"Look, cousin is like this! If I were her, I would have left you a long time ago. How could I stay by your side like her and be wronged?"

"My cousin's life experience is not simple, is it? You are beautiful, you hook your hands casually, and squeeze a lot of men into the door. How good do you think you are? Just be more handsome and rich, and the others are not as good! "

"It's fine if you have a bad temper, but you still have a bad conscience. Hmph!" Seeing Lin Xi's disappearing figure, she muttered loudly on purpose, but unfortunately, the heroine didn't hear her.

It's a pity it's a pity.

Yu Shaofan frowned, and moved his steps lightly, wanting to step forward, but out of face, he held back his steps.

He glared at Jiawen, "Go back to your room first!"

Jiawen stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Remember, Yu's latest limited-edition sports car, otherwise, I will tell my cousin all your little secrets, and see if you can still save face!"

"Jiawen!" Yu Shaofan's anger rose, seeing that the excitement was almost the same, Jiawen smiled charmingly, turned and left.

  Yu Shaofan sighed heavily, and finally walked towards Lin Xi's room with steady steps.

(End of this chapter)

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