Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 765 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three

Chapter 765 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three
He handed over the keys of the hundreds of rooms in this Yu family to the housekeeper, but he is not here...!
However, he had no choice but to move a big chair and smash the door open.

Half an hour later, the door slammed open.

Seeing the sobbing woman lying on the bed, his heart ached sharply.

The reason why there was no sound in the room was because she was asleep.

  Xu Shi was tired from crying, crying until he was exhausted, so he slept deeply.

The long eyelashes have been wet with tears, and the thin face has become a little pale.

The brows were tightly frowned, and no matter how you stroke them, they couldn't be smooth.

"Lin Xi." Yu Shaofan softly called her name.

She didn't answer, eyes still closed.

   Yu Shaofan wrapped her thin body in his arms.

The big palm caressed the tear stains on her face, before they finished, he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

  Then let go of her, "Lin Xi, are you jealous?"

"Actually, Jiawen is just my cousin."

"Since you lived in Yu's house, the heart I have always loved Yiyi deeply has been captured by you who are pure and persistent."

"It's weird, I don't know why I'm so angry after seeing those photos."

"Say I don't have you in my heart, but I care about you so much and say I'm in love with you, but whenever I think of Yiyi, I feel that in my heart, no one can take her place."

"Lin Xi, do you know? I was not like this before!"

"I won't be angry for so long because of a little thing, and I won't yell at a woman because of a little thing, and I won't regret and blame myself after arguing with you, and I want to take the initiative to run to you Apologize."

"Lin Xi..."

Yu Shaofan said a lot to her, but Lin Xi slept too soundly, she could only vaguely hear someone talking to her, she thought all this was just a dream, so she continued to sleep.

  With Yu Shaofan in his arms, this may be the most peaceful sleep she has had in the past few months.

When she opened her eyes, she realized that she was actually naked.

Before he knew it, his lower abdomen had bulged to the size of a ball.

Yes, it was precisely because of seeing the lower abdomen that she knew that she was not far from the delivery date!

  Caressing her protruding belly with her little hand, she was about to speak when she found a man squatting beside her.

He lowered his head, his forehead drooped slightly, his long eyelashes trembled slightly because of the busyness of his hands, and on his fair and handsome face, the facial features were exquisite and perfect.

However, when he squeezed out the shower gel and was about to wipe it on her body, he saw her looking at him, he was slightly taken aback, and then showed a faint smile, "Lin Xi, are you awake?"

If in the past, Yu Shaofan bathed her, she would be so happy that she couldn't keep her mouth shut.

But at this moment, she has nothing but cold heart and sarcasm.

The hurt he caused to her still aches in the bottom of my heart.

She is no longer as innocent and happy as before, and when she wakes up, she has no smile.

Her true love for him was ruined by his suspicion and coldness towards her.

   Seeing that his hands full of body wash were about to reach out, she turned slightly to one side, grabbed the towel beside her, covered her body, and then said in a deep voice, "Don't touch me!"

She wasn't as heartless as he was, saying, 'Don't touch me, dirty! ' Instead, the latter word is subtracted.

  But this sentence also immediately alienated the relationship between them.

(End of this chapter)

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