Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 768 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three

Chapter 768 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three
Sitting quietly in the empty room for a while, she resisted the thought of asking for news about him, and finally turned off the lights and went to sleep.

When the baby was three or four months old, Lin Xi always prepared breakfast by herself, because she was familiar with Yu Shaofan's favorite taste.

But now the bigger the belly, the more tired she is, and she can't stand the busyness.

What's more, they are now caught in a cold war.

She was also tired and didn't want to do it herself, so when the servant brought her breakfast, she just took two casual bites and couldn't eat anymore.

Sitting in front of the balcony, she enjoyed the sunshine.

He looked comfortable on the surface, but he was thinking about other things in his heart.

She was thinking, who sent those photos to Shaofan?
She remembered herself and never had any grudges with anyone.

Although she also has a rival in love, but that was several years ago.

Although Yiyi also loved Shaofan, but now that she has Yan Yifeng, it is impossible to use these photos to frame her.

Moreover, she was not present at that banquet.

So, who will it be?
She went with Senior Ouyang that night.

Except for a few classmates in the same class, I don't know anyone else.

So, apart from those who knew him, few knew that she was with Shaofan.

The purpose of the photos that person sent to Shaofan was to mislead Shaofan.

It aroused Shaofan's suspicion of the child.

So, who is the one who played a prank among them?
Is it Senior Ouyang?

It vaguely recalled in his mind that Shaofan had returned to China two months ago.

And half a month after he came back, Shaofan had an extra photo like this in his hand.

Why did Shaofan return to China?
Because his tablemate got married.

He will be his best man.

So, these photos were given by Xuan Ming?

Or, did he meet Ouyang at Xuan Ming's banquet?
Because she rejected him back then, he couldn't save face, so he rushed to bite her?
Is that right?

Thinking of this, she pressed Xuan Ming's number and dialed it.

But the person who answered the phone was not Xuan Ming, but her wife, Wan Ru, a school girl a year younger than her. When she found out that the other party was Lin Xi, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said sweetly, "Senior Lin Xi, what are you looking for?" Is Ming okay?"

Lin Xi also accidentally received the call and it wasn't Xuan Ming himself.

Originally, he had already memorized the manuscript sufficiently, and was going to question Xuan Ming if he was playing tricks in it, but Dang Wanru couldn't say a word after receiving her.

If, if she remembers correctly, she was also one of her rivals in love back then.

  It's just that she is not as persistent as she is, and she loves Shaofan until now, so she chose Shaofan's friend.

"Uh... nothing."

"When you held a wedding last time, I also wanted to go back together, but Shaofan..."

Responding as if meaninglessly, "Oh. Just do it if you want to!"

Originally, he wanted to tell her that the baby was about to be born, but when he thought about it, he kept his mouth shut for fear of irritating her.

Although Xuan Ming is married now, but I heard from others that she is very strong, she is with Shaofan and pregnant with his child, but she was left alone and married Xuan Ming!

 Feeling that there was nothing to talk about, Lin Xi hung up.

(End of this chapter)

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