Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 771 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three

Chapter 771 She Had Difficult Labor! twenty three
Back home, Lin Xi kept thinking about the doctor's words.

She warned herself that for the sake of the baby, she must cheer up no matter what.

  However, as soon as he saw Yu Shaofan's indifferent face.

  She still couldn't help feeling sad.

She had thought there was hope for them.

But I don't know if, that night, in order to test her, she impulsively said the angry words about being together with senior Ouyang, which caused him to no longer have a good impression of her.

Whenever she wanted to say 'hello' or talk to him, he turned and left.

  He used indifference to prevent her from approaching, but slowly, Lin Xi learned to disappear and never appear in front of him.

  And he didn't look for her.

  The two live under the same roof, but they are as far away as the world.

People, weary day by day.

Mother Yu looked at her distraught daughter, feeling very uncomfortable, she put her arms around her and said, "Xi'er, do you plan to continue loving such a man?"

She has been here for a week.

That bastard Yu Shaofan actually ignored his daughter. Even if he questioned the child in her belly, he couldn't be so heartless!
However, Lin's mother's question did not get Lin Xi's answer.

She lay quietly on the bed~, looking at the ceiling.

It took a long time to say, "Mom, am I stupid?"


How not stupid.

But in this world, how many women are not stupid?

So did she back then.

Lin Xi's persistence has passed on to her, but she is luckier than her, she can get along with the person she loves day and night, and love each other.

But Lin Xi can only...

Unrequited love for a poisonous flower.

"Xi'er, I can't blame you for this. If you want to blame, you can only blame Yu Shaofan for not knowing how to cherish you. Let's go back to China after giving birth, and don't waste time on him!"

"You don't have to worry about the baby, mom, bring it to you, mom will raise him up!"

Tears welled up from the corners of Lin Xi's eyes, "Mom, I was wrong, I shouldn't... I shouldn't have left the child to come to him, I should have killed the child secretly before he found out, I also thought about leaving He, but, in this case, the baby will not have a father..."

"He won't have a father..."

In the end, the two mother and son hugged each other and wept bitterly.

Yu Shaofan, who was standing outside the door, felt pain in his heart when he heard Lin Xi's words.

  But he didn't go in and disturb them.

It's getting closer to the birth date.

There are only ten days left.

And it's Valentine's Day.

Yu Shaofan was so cheap that he couldn't help but bought a bouquet of flowers and came back.


After Lin Xi received the bouquet of flowers, she was shocked, but a few minutes later, she threw the flowers into the trash can.

Yu Shaofan was so angry that he hurt internally, "Why did you throw it?"

Lin Xi snorted coldly, "Yu Shaofan, can your sincerity be any worse? Have you ever seen a man who asked a servant to deliver flowers instead on Valentine's Day? If you don't want to give it, don't give it away. If I don't want to, I have to trash it downstairs." Bucket for a trip."

"Besides, my baby and I are allergic to pollen. Even if you hate me, please think about it for your baby."

After speaking, she turned and left.

Yu Shaofan, who was standing there, sneered and did not catch up.

  Perhaps, this is comprehension.

She was angry, but he was a man who couldn't coax women.


She loves it.

  If you like it, you want to put it on the bedside, so that it will never wither.

  However, that bouquet of flowers was not delivered to her by him himself.

Happy Valentine's Day, he also told the servant to transfer it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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