Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 777: Funeral in the Rain 2

Chapter 777: Funeral in the Rain 2
Seeing these last words, Yu Shaofan's heart broke with a 'bang'!
Lin Xi had a difficult delivery?
She saved the child and sacrificed herself?
To Yu Shaofan, this was like an unreal nightmare.

A few hours ago, she was fine and even kissed her, but when the operating light went out, she also left...

"Do not……"

Yu Shaofan smashed the document on the ground with a 'snap'. His eyes were red and he yelled at the doctor who handed the document, "This is impossible! You must have made a mistake! Lin Xi is so healthy, and the baby is so well taken care of." Well, how could she have a dystocia?"

"Before I gave birth, I had checked thousands of times. The doctor said that such a thing would never happen. Are you lying!"

Grabbing the doctor by the collar, Yu Shaofan asked coldly.


Mother Lin, who was standing aside and waiting for the result, first flashed her eyes when she heard the doctor's news, and then, like Yu Shaofan, showed doubts, "What are you talking nonsense about? How could my daughter have dystocia?"

The doctor who was caught had a calm expression on his face, as if he was familiar with these things, "I'm sorry, these things are hard to say, who said that a pregnant woman has a good physique? No, her body is very poor. If I say That's right, she must have been greatly stimulated during her pregnancy."

"I can forgive you for being emotional, but please don't tease me, okay? It was right for her to choose to keep the baby, because the baby was stuck inside and couldn't get in and out during the delivery process, so we changed the original normal delivery to Caesarean section, if you don’t do this, I am afraid that after the baby is born, the pregnant woman will also bleed profusely~ the uterus will collapse and die, so please rest in peace!”

Mother Lin was completely dumbfounded.

Walking along the operating room, she looked at the little woman on the hospital bed~ with her eyes closed.

She ran in to check, and her breath was gone.

And her face was pale and bloodless.

The body has cooled down.

Yu Shaofan also quickly followed in, seeing Lin Xi lying on the hospital bed~ who couldn't wake up no matter how hard he shook, his eyes choked up.

The heart was cut open.

Then the blood flowed down the crack, dripping down.

"Oh, by the way, this is what she told me to give you before she left!"

The doctor who followed in gave Yu Shaofan an inspection report.

That's a paternity test.

The blood flowing in the baby's body is completely consistent with his blood!
However, the reason why Lin Xi asked the doctor to give him this report could not be simpler.

she told him.

The child is his.

Yu Shaofan really wanted to say to her, Lin Xi, I believe in you, no matter what you say, I will believe in you!
We don't quarrel, we don't quarrel, you like to be by my side, I will let you stay with you for the rest of your life, you like me to accompany you on your birthday, I will accompany you every year in the future, you like to take pictures with me, we go all over the world Travel, take a group photo, you like boys, I like girls, we will have a lot of babies together, hold hands together, and grow old together, okay?

But, it's too late!
Everything is too late.

Lin Xi left.

In this way, after stealing his heart, he left forever, living in his memories and memories.


Lin Xi, why are you so stupid, why do you want to protect your child but not yourself?
(End of this chapter)

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