Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 780: Funeral in the Rain 6

Chapter 780: Funeral in the Rain 6
"Flirty?" Yan Yifeng was displeased, and approached her back, "Am I flirtatious?"

Now, he has only her in his mind, heart, eyes, everything, and he dares to say that she is a romantic...?
Damn woman, she doesn't know what's good or bad.


Isn't it flirtatious?

Before he met her, didn't he have several women at the same time.

Well, though that is in the past.

Seeing that he was displeased, and the cell phone in the room rang quickly, she compromised, "Well... pretend I didn't say anything."

  Only then did Yan Yifeng let it go, and walked in without saying "I'll clean up your eyes later".

After picking up the phone, the cold voice had already recovered, "Hello?"

"It's me." A male voice came from the phone.

  Yu Shaofan?
Yan Yifeng recognized his voice, and frowned, why did he call him?
Is he familiar with him?

Thinking that he used to be his woman's boyfriend, he let out a displeasure, "Who? My son?!"

Although the son has not yet been born.

Yu Shaofan over there was not in the mood to argue with him, "I'll find Yiyi."

Looking for Jie Yiyi?

What the hell is this man plotting?
If it was the past, he would have hung up the phone a long time ago, but this time he didn't, and glanced at the woman sitting on the sofa drinking tea and reading a book, "Sorry, my woman is very busy, she has to drink tea while reading a book after breakfast, After a while, I will go to the garden downstairs to enjoy the flowers. After viewing the flowers, I will have lunch, and after lunch, I will take a lunch break. She still has to sleep, so what can my son do with him? If so, please make an appointment, and I will charge you 100 million dollars an hour!"

All in one go.

Speaking of these things, Yan Yifeng deeply hurt Yu Shaofan's heart, not because he was jealous, but because he missed Lin Xi, which he should have.

  That sentence son undoubtedly made him angry.

"Yan Yifeng, I'm not in the mood to joke with you, I have an urgent matter with Yiyi!"

After yelling at Yan Yifeng, he would not obediently hand over the phone to Jie Yiyi.

"You are in a hurry, but I am in no hurry."

"Yan Yifeng, Lin Xi and I have returned to China, please tell Yiyi to attend Lin Xi's funeral tomorrow!"


problem occurs?
Only then did Yan Yifeng realize the reason for Yu Shaofan's call.

Lin Xi is dead?

A little surprised in my heart.

I was about to ask what happened, but the other party had already hung up the phone.

At this moment, Jie Yiyi just came over, seeing Yan Yifeng's expression changed, she hooked his neck, "What's wrong?"

"Jie Yiyi." He put the phone back into the room and came out, calling her name.

"Huh?" She looked up at him.

  "I have bad news for you!" Xu said that because he teased Yu Shaofan just now, and then heard about Lin Xi, he put away his evil spirits and became serious.

bad news?
Is it bad news for the company?
That's not right, Yan Yifeng has always been unwilling to let her deal with business.

What the hell could that be?
She guessed all kinds of results, but she didn't expect that it would be so shocking.

"Yu Shaofan called and asked you to attend Lin Xi's funeral tomorrow!"


Jie Yiyizheng took a step back in shock and almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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