Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 789 The Calm of the Storm 9

Chapter 789 The Calm of the Storm 9
His past is the relationship between him and Yan Yifeng's mother.

Before he inherited his father's property, his father asked him to choose between fame, fortune, status, and love.

He had no choice but to choose fame, fortune and status.

However, love was abandoned.

Now, he also made such a choice for his son, but he... unexpectedly chose love.

The following time was not as unbearable as Jie Yiyi imagined, strictly did not bring up the past, nor asked about her parents.

She is rather interested in the baby in her womb.

Ask her if the baby is healthy?

When were you born?
This series of questions surprised several people present.

I don't know if I'm used to the old man's indifference, but his sudden enthusiasm makes people feel a little artificial.

When it was almost time, Yan Yifeng got up and said goodbye to the old man.

Yan Yan didn't keep them and asked Yan Yixi to send them back.

Go back to the bedroom.

Yan Yifeng closed the door, pressed Jie Yiyi's head, and kissed her until she suffocated.

Jie Yiyi still hasn't realized why he did this.

He let go of her, and squeezed her butt with his big palm, "Who allowed you to call Yan Yixi, Yixi?"

"Such a nasty title, it sounds disgusting. Do you know him very well?"

If it wasn't for her face, he would have punished her when she yelled out.

Have you ever seen a woman who calls herself a man with his first and last name, and calls someone else, but she is affectionate.

With such a strong possessive desire, it's no wonder he isn't angry.

Jie Yiyi, whose mouth was flushed red from the kiss, couldn't help but glared at him.

She thought that the tea he drank was put down ~ love ~ medicine?

It turns out that possessiveness is at work.

He stuck out his tongue at her, "Otherwise, what should I call him?"

"He's called by his first and last name! Just ignore him!"

If it wasn't for the fact that they lived under the same roof and had the same surname, Jie Yiyi doubted whether he was his brother or not.

Although Yan Yixi kept calling him "big brother", but Yan Yifeng never called him "brother".

"That can't be done. Your father is there. Wouldn't it be rude for me to ignore her?"

Regarding what the little woman said, Yan Yifeng became even more angry, "Okay! It's fine if you don't change your mind, then from now on, you have to call me Afeng!"

Compared with Yan Yixi's address, his address must be more intimate.

Only in this way can she identify who is her man.

Yes, since Michelle left, she hasn't called him Afeng, she has been calling him by his first name all the time, and now she suddenly calls him like this, and she feels a little uncomfortable.

Very awkward.

Without answering her, she raised her eyes, "What about you? What do you call me?"

These two freaks.

Generally, after two people get together, they will change their surnames immediately, and some will directly call them wife, baby, dear or something.

But only she and Yan Yifeng shouted like strangers.

"Yi..." Originally, he wanted to say, Yiyi, but when he thought of Yu Shaofan calling her like that, he immediately stopped talking.

"Huh?" She stared at him with round eyes, those clear eyes made him want to kiss again.

"What do you like me to call you?" he asked?
He tossed her the hot potato.

(End of this chapter)

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