Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 793 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 793 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 3
Jie Yiyi thought that at the dinner party, the old man would make himself unable to step down and would have a big fight with Yan Yifeng. However, everything was too calm. When Yan Yifeng generously introduced himself to others, he did not object, but rarely showed his Smile.

This shocked her, taking Yan Yixi's words and comparing it with her current situation, it seemed that it was not as bad as he said.

Many people came to congratulate, almost countless.

But Jie Yiyi didn't give him the gift she had prepared. After the dinner and dance, Yan Yifeng took her out of the hall.

Came outside the castle gate.

At this moment, the night sky is like a navy blue curtain, dotted with twinkling stars, which makes people deeply intoxicated.

Yan Yifeng held her hand tightly and led her for a walk on the soft lawn.

Judging from tonight's situation, the old man should have slowly accepted her, but what exactly did Yan Yixi mean?

Why did he say, let her hold on to her love, and let her go if she doesn't?

She also met Yan Yifeng's second uncle, but she couldn't detect that they were betting.

Could it be that Yan Yixi deliberately spread rumors, trying to force her to leave in this way?

But she left Yan Yifeng, what good would he gain?
Thinking of this, her heart became entangled again.

The soft wind, blowing head-on, makes people very comfortable.

Yan Yifeng took her to a small tower.

Let her look down again, and the night view of the castle appeared in front of her eyes.

Obviously, I should enjoy the customs of this other country, but for some reason, my heart seems to be pierced like a thorn, which seems to be nothing. It's not uncomfortable, but it always exists there, and the root cannot be eradicated.

"Do you like the night view here?" Yan Yifeng's voice suddenly came from beside his ear.

What he was thinking was interrupted by him, Jie Yiyi looked up at him.

The moonlight stretches the background of the two of them very long.

He looked even taller and more handsome.

The faint smile on the corner of his mouth made people feel very comfortable.

Jie Yiyi habitually shrank into him, "Well, I like it."

"With you here, there are scenery everywhere."

She smiled.

Yan Yifeng is rare for her words.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips, "Since when did your mouth become sweet?"

"It's always been so sweet, don't you know?" She stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Yan Yifeng smiled.

The next day, Jie Yiyi took advantage of Yan Yifeng's departure, bit the bullet and gave Yan what she brought.

In the morning, he is doing morning exercises.

He was dressed in white casual clothes, which gave him a lot of energy.

Several big men in the courtyard saw her walking towards Yan Yan, and immediately stopped her, "I'm sorry, Miss Jie, our master is doing morning exercises, please do not disturb!"

Glancing at the old man, Jie Yiyi stepped aside, anyway, she has nothing to do, so it doesn't matter if she waits a while.

Just about to go around the courtyard and go to other places, at this moment, an old and deep voice came from behind, "Let her in!"

Jie Yiyi paused, then turned her head, and came to the old man under the leadership of Da Zhuang.

At this time, the old man was already sitting on the stone bench, and the servant made tea for her. He took a sip, then raised his eyes and said, "What's the matter?"

He didn't let herself sit down, and Jie Yiyi didn't dare to make a claim, but handed him what she was holding, "This is your birthday present, I didn't have time to give it to you last night."

The old man glanced coldly at the things she handed over, "Four Treasures of the Study"?
China's unique clerical tools, namely pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

(End of this chapter)

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