Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 795 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 795 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 5
The following chess moves were eye-opening for her. The chess pieces she killed were always skillfully stopped by him, and then were eaten by the two defenders on both sides and the bishop.

Just looking at the commander-in-chief, he completely ignored the little soldiers who were moving forward step by step. Seeing that the little soldiers from all directions surrounded him, Jie Yiyi was in a dilemma, the cannon couldn't hit it, the horse couldn't fly over, the car, and even Move a few steps before you can kill the little soldier who is about to swallow the commander into his belly.

How to do?
He fought her single-handedly, and she had all the horses and chariots. If she lost, it would be a shame.

The old man squinted his eyes, with a lazy and comfortable expression on his face, he was bound to win.

Killing him in one gulp and about to move his handsome car, he glanced at Jie Yiyi who had an ugly face and said, "Little girl, admit defeat! Compromise is often easier than unwillingness to surrender, otherwise, the end will be miserable! "

It's just a game, why take it so seriously?
However, in his lightly described words, there was a faint hint of warning, which made her a little uneasy.

He said that it is often easier to compromise than not to give in, otherwise, the end will be miserable.

If he was referring to this game of chess, then if you lose, you lose. It doesn't matter to her, because this thing is not suitable for her to play.

But if he means reality...

Combine Yan Yixi's words yesterday with his words at this moment.

Then it will be a brutal battle.

Those who lose will end up really miserable.

Yan Yifeng's father competed with his second brother.

And she compared with Yan Yifeng's father.

If you lose strictly, you only lose two points.

But if Strictly wins, it means that Jie Yiyi will lose her love......

The consequences could be disastrous.

At this moment, Jie Yiyi was confused.

She was undecided.

Not sure which step to take.

Whether he was talking about games or reality, she couldn't easily compromise.

Just as she was about to take the next step, a quiet fragrance suddenly came from behind her.

Immediately afterwards, cold and moist lips were attached to her cheeks, and a powerful palm held her hand, preventing her from taking that step.

The pieces are put back in place.

Although I know that kiss and whose hand it is.

But she still couldn't help raising her eyes.

She raised her eyes, and a handsome profile was magnified in front of her eyes.

Looking at him, she felt inexplicably at ease.

Yan Yifeng returned to the barracks and pushed the elephant out, and then looked at his father, "No, easily compromising is equivalent to giving up the chance of winning. As long as there is one last breath left, the chess situation will be reversed, isn't it?"

He raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Yan Yifeng's intimate behavior towards Jie Yiyi, the old man was obviously a little angry, because he didn't take himself seriously.

However, while he was angry, he did not forget his ongoing plan.

Seeing that the soldiers were blocked by elephants, he also retreated to his own barracks, moved his commander, and ate the cannons that fell beside him.

However, when he ate Shuai, he didn't notice that the horse hidden not far away, just because Shuai moved his position, made the horse take a 'day' step smoothly, eating the old man's Shuai. die.

Yes, when he saw Yan Yifeng eating himself handsome, he made a sign.

As he said, the chess situation was reversed.

"Father, you lost! How about it? Let's play again?" Yan Yifeng asked, holding the little woman with trembling hands in his arms.


Jie Yiyi was elated, but she didn't dare to show it in front of the old man.

(End of this chapter)

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