Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 801 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 801 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 11
"Ah... Pain..." In the delivery room, ear-piercing screams pierced everyone's eardrums.

On the hospital bed~, there were dense beads of sweat on the woman's forehead. After being induced by the doctor many times, she was already exhausted and collapsed. Her lips were bitten tightly by her, and she was already pale and bloodless.

"Relax, take it easy...inhale, exhale, push harder...come on, you can do it."

She did as the doctor said, but her tight uterus was so forcefully pulled away that she was about to faint from the pain. She never thought that giving birth would be so hard, and it was better than Yan Yifeng for the first time. It hurt even more, and it was much more uncomfortable.

She really wanted to work harder, but she didn't have much strength, so she said in a hoarse voice, "I'm so tired...I want to rest for a while."

"No, Miss Jie, the baby's head is about to come out, you have to work hard and don't relax, otherwise..."

"Shut up! Can't you hear her screaming in pain? Why are you two holding her leg? Let go, let her rest, or get a painkiller injection!!"

Yan Yifeng, who was sitting on the side holding Jie Yiyi's hand tightly, growled coldly.

Seeing Jie Yiyi who was in pain and already shed tears, his heart clenched into a ball. At this moment, he really regretted why he didn't let her have a caesarean section at the beginning, so that she wouldn't have to endure such pain.

If possible, he is willing to pain instead of her.

Yan Yifeng let out such a low growl, the doctor was so frightened that his hands trembled.

But he still bite the bullet and opened his mouth, "Well, Mr. Yan, a woman has to endure a certain amount of pain to give birth. We have already given her a painkiller injection, and now I have to exert my strength so that the baby will come out, otherwise... "

"Stop fucking talking!"

Jie Yiyi tugged at Yan Yifeng's sleeve, forced a smile, "It's okay, I don't feel any pain, the baby will come out soon, I can bear it."

The reason why Yan Yifeng was not allowed to follow at the beginning was also because she knew that Yan Yifeng would get angry because of this.

The man had never had a child, so of course he didn't know the details.

However, seeing her so nervous about herself warmed her heart.

Yan Yifeng wiped off the sweat for her, lowered his head and kissed her lips, "After giving birth to this, there will be no more!"

He didn't want her to suffer like that again.

Jie Yiyi smiled, "It's impossible not to give birth, after giving birth to this, we will have many, many babies."

In order not to worry Yan Yifeng, after that, she didn't yell again, but groaned softly.

Swallow the tears and the discomfort in the stomach together.

She must be strong!

But she didn't know that her stubborn little face made Yan Yifeng's heart ache even more.

For the first time, he felt helpless, seeing her in such pain, but there was nothing he could do.

Who said that it is a matter of course that men make money to support their families and women are responsible for giving birth, taking care of children, and doing housework?
There are too many things that women should not do, and women should take pain in their arms, because the pain they endure is beyond the imagination of men in their entire lives.

"Wow..." came the cry of the baby underneath.

The doctor screamed excitedly, "Come out, come out!"

And Jie Yiyi also collapsed completely, lying motionless on the bed~ looking at the ceiling.

In fact, she really wanted to hug the baby, but she couldn't raise her hand.

Most men, the first reaction after a woman gives birth is to see who the baby looks like.

Whether women are in pain, tired or uncomfortable, they don't care.

(End of this chapter)

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