Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 803 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 803 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 14
Moving a stool to sit down, he poured a spoonful of soup, blew on the hot air, and handed it to her.

Jie Yiyi glared at him angrily, "But, I miss my son."

"Drink the soup!" This little woman was really stubborn.

The son is there, and he can't run away. If she dares to damage her body, he won't spare her!
But, to be honest, I was really hungry.

She opened her mouth to drink the soup.

Astringent, sweet, warm, and quite delicious.

Yan Yifeng handed over a piece of meat, and Jie Yiyi ate it too.

Looking at Yan Yifeng's indifferent face, Jie Yiyi suddenly thought of a question, "Yan Yifeng, have you gone to see your son?"

She didn't wake up all night, how could he have the heart to see that kid?

What if she wakes up, is thirsty, can't see him, and gets out of bed alone?
"No." He responded with one word indifferently.

Uh, Jie Yiyi choked on the piece of meat, "You...why don't you go and see your son? I read in a magazine that when the baby was just born, dad should spend more time with him and talk to him so that he will remember you."

"How about you ask Mother Feng to bring the baby?"

To him, the baby was never as important as her.

She recovered physically, and her lower body no longer hurt so much, so he was in the mood to do other things.

"Drink the soup first!"

"The baby is in the incubator, so you can't take it out for the time being, or you will catch the wind and cold. After a few days, you will feel better and the baby will be older. I'll ask the nurse to bring the baby in again?"

Jie Yiyi pouted, "But the newborn baby wants to drink milk, how can I not be by his side?"

Yan Yifeng's face darkened, "Don't feed other people's milk!"

Her body only belongs to him, that kid can't take advantage of it.

Yan Yifeng drank the soup, frowning, "Why? Babies need to drink human milk to be smart."

"If I say no, then I can't!" Staring at her breasts protruding through the clothes, thinking about it again, the son's mouth and hands were rubbing and sucking back and forth on her body!Damn it, how could he allow it, want it, and he can only touch it by himself.

Jie Yiyi frowned even deeper.

The baby hasn't been born yet, he's still fine, why did he change so much when the baby came out?
Is it true that having a child will lose her husband?

Yan Yifeng is also like what was written in that diary, starting to get tired of her, starting to get tired of the baby?
Heart, slightly cold.

But if he was really tired of himself, then why did he stay by his side all night and never give up?
What does he care about?
Is it...?
Turning her eyes, she was thoughtful.

"Why not? Yan Yifeng, don't tell me, so you will be jealous?"

He continued to feed her, noncommittal.

Silence is the default?
Oh my God, how could the baby have such a stingy father?

Jie Yiyi was a little speechless, and sighed lightly, "Yan Yifeng, can you stop being so possessive?"

"The baby is not someone else. It is the crystallization of our love. It is the baby we raised together. He is our son. Can you stop being jealous?"

Looking down at her plump body, she lowered her voice and said, "What's more, after a woman gives birth, her breasts will become bigger, and there will be milk. If you don't let the baby drink it, it will..."

Although she is already a baby mother, she still feels shy when talking about these things.

Yan Yifeng paused while feeding the porridge, his cold eyes suddenly softened and glowed with warmth, "Isn't there me?"

(End of this chapter)

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