Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 805 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 805 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 16
Seeing that Jie Yiyi loves the child a little more than him, a small paw in Yan Yifeng's heart is constantly scratching, it is really uncomfortable.

Damn it, if he knew that the child would deprive her of her love for him, he shouldn't have a child.

Jie Yiyi coaxed the baby, unaware that Yan Yifeng was already angry.

Kissed the baby on the face and looked at Yan Yifeng, "The baby is so cute, why don't you come and take a look?" she asked.

Yan Yifeng snorted disdainfully, "What's so good about being wrinkled? It's so ugly!"

Having said that, I couldn't help but glance at it.

Although he didn't dislike the baby, it was just that Jie Yiyi ignored him as soon as he appeared, which made him very uncomfortable.

Jie Yiyi was startled, "You..."

"Yan Yifeng, that's your son, how can you call him ugly?"

The baby didn't grow up, so he couldn't tell his face that he was ugly. What if he grew up to be really ugly?
Ah bah... bah bah.

"..." Yan Yifeng pursed his lips.

Jie Yiyi felt more and more that what was written in that diary made sense. Although she did not lose her husband when she had a child, but... she lost Yan Yifeng's integrity~ fuck, magnanimity...

He is like an iron rooster, he is extremely stingy, don't ask him to hold the baby, at least a word of praise, should you say it?Excessive guy.

"Hehe, Mr. Yan is taking baby vinegar." The nurse came out to break the stiff situation.

As soon as the words came out, the baby was unwilling, and burst into tears with a "wow".

As soon as the baby came out yesterday, she watched it for a while, and then was taken away.

Encountering the baby crying, Jie Yiyi was at a loss, her heart ached terribly, "What should I do if the baby is crying?"

The nurse knew at a glance that Jie Yiyi was becoming a mother for the first time, and patted her on the shoulder lightly, "Miss Jie, don't worry, the baby is probably hungry, you can feed him some milk."

Yes, upon hearing the word breastfeeding, someone's face darkened, and he gave the nurse a cold look.

The nurse thought knowingly that Yan Yifeng asked her to leave the ward, and smiled, "I'll go to work first. If there is something to do, Miss Jie can press the pager on the bedside to call me."

Immediately, the nurse left without looking back.

Yan Yifeng's face was even darker, it had already been burned to carbon, except for some white eyes, it was almost impossible to see where his nose was and where was his mouth.

Jie Yiyi cried more and more.

Jie Yiyi hurriedly unbuttoned her jacket, just halfway through, she stopped, by the way, Yan Yifeng is still here, she raised her eyes, "The baby is going to be breastfed, don't you go out?"

Yan Yifeng's cold eyes shot at him, almost incinerating Jie Yiyi, he said in a deep voice, "How dare you?"

"Do you dare to feed him?!" There was a dangerous atmosphere in the warning.

Jie Yiyi frowned slightly, remembering the fight between him and her son just now, she asked, could it be that he really didn't let her feed his son?

Oh, my god.

Although she was a little scared, the baby was crying so much that she didn't care so much, so she simply unbuttoned the unfinished button, "Don't let me feed, do you want the baby to be hungry? Besides, how old are you, Yan Yifeng? Like a child? You want to drink milk, ask the nurse to make you a cup...uh!"

There was a cool comfort in his chest.

Looking down, Yan Yifeng's hand was holding her breast, while the other hand was holding a milk cup.

He worked it up and down, squeezing the milk into the milk cup like milking a goat.

Depend on.

(End of this chapter)

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