Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 807 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 807 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 19
It has been more than a week since Jie Yiyi gave birth to the baby.

On this day, the nurse held the baby to drink milk as usual.

Yan Yifeng went out because of the company's business.

Seeing that no one was there, Jie Yiyi hurriedly unbuttoned the button and fed the baby.

In the past week, Jie Yiyi has fed the baby a lot of milk, and every time she comes in front of Yan Yifeng, you don't know, when the guy hears the sound of the baby chirping, it's like being stabbed with a needle , feel uncomfortable all over.

The baby was not full yet, so he immediately ran over and cut off her milk, and stopped her from saying that she could not continue to drink, because the baby would easily get sick if he drank too much.

Yes, it is estimated that not many people will be as cowardly as Yan Yifeng, how full can you drink milk?
Jie Yiyi knew that Yan Yifeng was just jealous.

Forget it, during this time, he took good care of her in the hospital, so she didn't care about it so much.

Unbuttoning the jacket, the baby was so hungry that he couldn't wait any longer, stretched out his tender claws, and went to pick Jie Yiyi's clothes.

That little energy is really like his father.

That naughty little appearance is really cute.

uh, wait...

Vaguely, Jie Yiyi noticed something was wrong.

What's wrong?
Is it the smell of the baby?Still looking like a baby, still...

have changed.

Jie Yiyi suddenly broke dozens of strings in her heart, she pulled off her clothes weakly, and shouted to the nurse, "Miss nurse, miss nurse."

The nurse, who had been guarding the door all the time, trotted in as soon as she heard movement inside.

She pushed open the door and came to Jie Yiyi, "What's the matter, Miss Jie, is it because the baby has diarrhea, or?"

Jie Yiyi stared fixedly at the baby's neck and little feet. Although the baby's face was hard to remember, it was her own after all. The baby had small eyes, a small nose, and a small mouth. , She remembered all of them deeply in her mind.

At first, she thought it was just a false illusion of her own, but it wasn't true, she checked the baby's neck, and the peace talisman she and Yan Yifeng went to the mountain to pray for was gone, not only that, but the baby on her feet A pair of silver rings were also missing, which was a small gift from Feng's mother to the baby.

Yes.She is in a hurry.

Nervous and flustered like never before, she grabbed the nurse's sleeve and said in a choked voice, "This is not my child, this is not my child, are you holding it wrong? Are you holding it wrong?"


The nurse frowned, and brought the little man in Jie Yiyi's arms, and then looked at it, "Miss Jie, that's right, when you asked me to hug the young master just now, I hugged him on the rocking chair of the young master. Come here, look, there is still a sign of Young Master Yan on this clothes."

Jie Yiyi shook her head desperately, "No... this is not my son. My son wears a peace amulet around his neck and a pair of silver rings on his feet. He doesn't have one. Moreover, the smell on his body is not my son's. You guys Mistake, this is not my son."

After being told by Jie Yiyi, the nurse really felt that she had hugged her wrongly.

Seeing that Jie Yiyi was about to cry out nervously, she patted her on the shoulder and said, "Miss Jie, don't be nervous, I'll go back and see if I hugged you wrongly, you just gave birth, don't get emotional, you wait here for me 5 minutes, I'll be right back."

After speaking, the nurse left.

Jie Yiyi was lying on the bed~, looking at the baby in her arms, the baby's appearance and the mischievous appearance were constantly flashing in her mind, her heart, as if being severely injured by a stone, she knew that the nurse might have carried it wrong , but I don't know why, but my heart is so nervous, she is afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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