Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 809 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 809 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 21
I just found out that the baby has been swapped, but I will send someone to look for it right now... No matter what, I will find the young master. "

She spoke in a low voice, very low-key.

"Pa——" a clear and loud voice sounded in the room.

Yan Yifeng withdrew his slap. At this moment, his face had already become ugly and ferocious, "How did I tell you before I left? I said, whether you are eating or going to the bathroom, you have to guard my son 24 hours a day. He can't go out. If you made a slight mistake, it’s good for you, you lost my son now, so you come to say sorry to me, will you send someone to look for it? I~he~mum dug your ancestor’s grave, set fire to your whole family, and then apologized, okay?”

"Bullet or dagger is your choice!"

"Bo'an!!" His angry voice resounded throughout the room and the corridor of the hospital.

Bo An, who had been standing outside, immediately ran in when he heard the master's voice.

"Mr. Yan!"

"Lockdown the entire hospital, and after 10 minutes, bring your son to me, otherwise, you can leave tomorrow!!!"

The young master is gone?

Although shocked in his heart, Bo An still maintained his usual calmness, "Yes!"

Seeing Bo An leave, Yan Yifeng stopped him, "Wait!"

Bo An stopped in his tracks, without Yan Yifeng opening his mouth, he understood with just one look, and he dragged the nurse out of the room.

"Miss Jie, I am innocent, help me, I don't want to die, Miss Jie..."

Jie Yiyi, who only thought of her son in her heart, could no longer hear the shouts from outside. She looked at Yan Yifeng, her eyes were red and swollen. Wrong baby, I have asked Bai An to look for it, you rest for a while, when you wake up, your son will come back."

Her son was gone, when Jie Yiyi was still in the mood to sleep, she lay in Yan Yifeng's arms, choked up, unable to speak, "Yan, Yan Yifeng, I, I don't, I don't want to lose my child, I can't lose him, you must Get him back, I can't lose him, without him, I will die, Yan Yifeng, I beg you..."

These words were almost choked out with all the strength in her body.

The son was born in October of her pregnancy. She was her lifeblood. Because she had lost a baby before, she couldn't bear the pain of losing her son again. She was afraid and couldn't lose it...

Yan Yifeng has always been calm and calm, no matter what it is, he can deal with it without changing his face, but now, the woman in his arms is crying so sadly and desperately, for a moment, he panicked...

Because what his woman cares about is also what he cares about.

She can't lose her son, and he can't...

He lowered his head and kissed her lips, dried her tears, and said calmly, "Stupid woman, who dares to touch my son Yan Yifeng? It will be fine, Bo An has sealed off the entire hospital, and my son will be back soon , will you come and teach the person who took our son away later?"

However, the more Yan Yifeng said this, the more Jie Yiyi cried, "Yan Yifeng, I'm afraid that the person who took my son away was sent by your father. You forgot, Yan Yixi told me before, he said, your father I made a bet with my second uncle that I would leave you after giving birth."

"I wonder if he is going to threaten me with his son. I don't want it. I don't want my son to leave us. Our family wants to be together in harmony."

(End of this chapter)

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