Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 811 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 811 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 23
"Mr. Yan..." At this moment Bo An pushed the door open and came in, interrupting their conversation.

Jie Yiyi quickly withdrew from his embrace, turned back to look at Bo An, and sure enough, he walked over with a baby in his arms, at this moment, Jie Yiyi's heart relaxed a little.

However, she didn't see that when Bo An came in, when Yan Yifeng raised his eyes, their eyes exchanged with each other. Although they didn't say anything, they vaguely hid many little secrets.

"There was a mother with dystocia. During childbirth, the child died in the womb, so she went crazy, hugged other people's children, and ran around. Uh, maybe she took the young master away secretly while the nurse was away... ..."

Bo An explained to Yan Yifeng.

Yan Yifeng understood, took the baby, and handed it to Jie Yiyi's arms. Jie Yiyi seemed to see hope again, and hurriedly embraced his son, kissing her son, and saying sorry...

Yan Yifeng had a relaxed expression of relief on his face, but his heart had already set off a stormy sea! !
that kid...

Looking at the tearful Jie Yiyi, Bo An felt that his task was heavy again.

And it's extra heavy.

Standing there, no one dared to leave, did not dare to make a sound, just watched Jie Yiyi take care of the baby.

About half an hour later, Jie Yiyi began to examine her son carefully after the excitement had passed.

Yes, the peace talisman, a pair of silver rings are put on the baby's feet, she breathed a sigh of relief, because the baby's eyes are closed, and it is pink and tender, so in appearance, it is not obvious How is he different.

Yes, at least Bo An and Yan Yifeng think so.

However, Jie Yiyi, who just got better, was so startled that she jumped up from the bed.

She has always loved the baby very much, but when she jumped up just now, she threw the baby on the bed~ with one hand.

Bo An groaned inwardly, Yan Yifeng pretended to be calm, "What's wrong?"

Jie Yiyi screamed, "He's not my son, you lied to me, what happened to my son? Yan Yifeng, you lied to me, your son didn't come back, you lied to me..."

The tears that had just been put away fell down again.

It really is a mother-child connection, whether it was born by her, no matter how similar it is, she can still recognize it at a glance.

Yes, this is indeed not her son, Bo An sealed off the whole hospital, searched the whole hospital, but did not find the figure of the young master, but he was afraid that Jie Yiyi would not be able to bear such a big stimulus, so he had to pretend to be a son. , Wait for the young master to be found safely, and then change back, but who knows, Miss Jie is usually in a daze, so sensitive to identifying these things!

She still had an IV in her hand, and when she waved it like this, the needle penetrated deep into her skin, and the blood continued to flow out, Yan Yifeng held her down, "Jie Yiyi, calm down, the infusion needle is inserted into your blood vessel Don't you know? You're moving around, and you'll never see your son!"

Yan Yifeng growled.

I wanted to pull out the needle for her, but it didn't work at all, and the blood gushed out as soon as I pulled it out.

Jie Yiyi realized that she was injured, so she didn't move around, but sat on the bed~, looking at Yan Yifeng, "You said the baby would come back safely, you lied to me, I want a son, Yan Yifeng, I want my son. "

Bo An went to call the doctor, and several people forced Jie Yiyi to pull out the needle stuck in her hand, but a lot of blood flowed out.

(End of this chapter)

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