Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 813 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 813 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 25
Without Yan Yifeng's response, Jie Yiyi's mind was running rapidly.

It's a woman, not a man.

Who would that woman be?

When she was not with Yan Yifeng, how many women did Yan Yifeng have?

In fact, she couldn't count.

However, those grassroots lovers were all sent away by Yan Yifeng with money.

Michelle is the only one who has always held a grudge against her.

But, didn't Yan Yifeng say that Michelle had become mentally retarded after using the lipstick with the ecstasy?

How could she still have the scheming to go to China to hold her child?
Moreover, Michelle has straight black hair that hangs down to her shoulders. Not to mention her hairstyle, she doesn't even look like her back.

Who is she then?

Suddenly, my heart beat inexplicably.

A seductive face appeared in her mind.

'Ai Shishi? 'Is it her?

I wasn't that panicked at first.

But at the moment when she thought of Ai Shishi, she was powerless, and immediately slumped on the bed~.

The voice choked out from his throat, "Is it her?"

Yan Yifeng turned his face away, seeing Jie Yiyi panicked like this, he hugged her into his arms, "Bo An has already started a carpet search, my son will be fine, he will be back soon."

In order not to make her sad, he could only comfort her like this.

However, Jie Yiyi, who was stimulated, felt relieved, and punched him hard on the chest. She sobbed and asked, "Is it Ai Shishi, right? She took our child away, right? Yan Yifeng is You, it's all good things you did, if you are flirtatious, you will be flirtatious, and you have harmed the child..."

"Ai Shishi hates me. She took my child away not just for money. She will definitely hurt the baby. No, I won't let her do anything wrong. I'm going to bring my son back."

With that said, she lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Yan Yifeng stopped her, but she was too persistent.

The persistence was terrifying, Yan Yifeng hugged her to the bed, she didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed her away from him, not only that, but also bit him, and ran away in a hurry before he could put on his shoes out.

However, she had just given birth, and her body had not yet recovered, and she became weak after taking two steps. She couldn't hold on to the wall, and fell to the ground hard.

Yan Yifeng chased out of the ward, saw her lying on the ground in a panic, her eyes were sore, and her heart was so distressed that she was about to bleed.

In the empty corridor, the sound of Jie Yiyi's sobbing echoed.

Yan Yifeng squatted down and hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry!"

  Jie Yiyi, who fell heavily and was stimulated, her eyelids became heavier and heavier. Jie Yiyi was so tired from crying, "I don't want to be sorry, I want a son, I only want a son."

She passed out.

  In the ward, today, this is the fifth time the doctor has entered the ward.

Jie Yiyi woke up and fainted again because of the stimulation.

Repeatedly, it's only been half a day, and her whole body has been subjected to a big circle.

Yan Yifeng entrusted Bo An with the task of searching for Ai Shishi's whereabouts, while he stayed with her in the hospital.

She doesn't eat or drink now.

   It's about to drive him crazy.

It was hard to coax her to sleep, but at this moment, a crisp and loud bell broke the silence in the room.

Jie Yiyi, who had just fallen asleep, woke up immediately when she heard the bell.

It was an unfamiliar number, and Yan Yifeng frowned when he saw it.

No answer, hung up.

Jie Yiyi looked at him, her voice was low and hoarse, "Who? Who is it? Is it Ai Shishi?"
Yan Yifeng told the truth, "No, it's an unfamiliar number."

Not long after hanging up, the phone rang again.

(End of this chapter)

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