Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 818 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 818 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 31
After speaking, the car flew away immediately.

Yan Yifeng drove very fast. Ai Shishi, whose hands were handcuffed by iron cuffs, was not wearing a seat belt, and her body could not be stabilized at all.

Strict house.

The car arrived at Yan's house steadily.

Ai Shishi was brought down.

No, they were detained.

Ai Shishi originally thought that if he used his son to suppress him, he would be obedient to her, but he didn't expect that he was not afraid and beat her violently.

Yan Yifeng stomped his feet angrily behind him, "Yan Yifeng, if you don't want your son to die, let me go right away, otherwise, I'll look after you."

"Slap—" The two men in black who were holding her back slapped each other, "Be quiet!"

Yan family hall.

Yan Yifeng was sitting on the golden leather sofa airlifted from Europe, his legs were gracefully crossed, and his deep eyes were fixed on the woman who was escorted in.

"Let me go..." Ai Shishi kicked the man in black.

The man in black didn't say anything, but kicked her back, making her kneel in front of Yan Yifeng.

Then, he grabbed her hair again and forced her to look up at Yan Yifeng.

A servant came over with tea, "Mr. Yan, the ice water you want."

Glancing at Ai Shishi, who was in a panic at the moment, he took the ice water, put it on his lips and sniffed it lightly, and then, without any prelude, poured it mercilessly on Ai Shishi's face.

This ice water has a negative temperature, and it may be more than ten times colder than ordinary iced water, just like falling into an ice cellar in a cold winter day.

"Is this enough to be sober?" Yan Yifeng's handsome face leaned forward to her.

Ai Shishi shuddered cleverly, then shook her head to dry the ice water off her face, "Yan Yifeng, you are indeed a heartless animal, your son's life or death is uncertain in my hands, and you dare to use the handcuffs Treat me this way, and your son will die!"

"I will let your son die."

"Pa—" Another slap hit her face.

Ai Shishi's face was turned to one side, but instead of yelling like before, a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

She raised her chin proudly and raised her eyebrows, "Yan Yifeng, do you know? When you put me in the dungeon, those bastards in your dungeon abused me like this every day, and some of them were even more perverted. To me, it's nothing at all, I just think you're helping me lose face, if you have the ability to continue, if you have the ability to continue!"

His chin was pinched hard. Although Yan Yifeng was anxious and confused in his heart, he was still cold and calm on the surface.

"Ai Shishi, I only give you one chance. If you tell the whereabouts of the child now, I will release you immediately and give you a sum of money so that you can live comfortably for the rest of your life. But if you insist on disobedience I mean, then... I have no choice but to let you die with regret!!"

Ai Shishi's white knees turned red, she changed her kneeling posture to sit down, and listened to Yan Yifeng's condition, she smiled again, "Do you think...? I'm still the same Ai Shishi from before? Do you think, If you take the money, you can send me away like beggars?"

"Yan Yifeng, you are so naive, I, Ai Shishi, am here to take revenge! I don't want money, let me tell you, what I need most in this life is money, what can you do with me?"

On the surface, he said dismissively, but in fact he was guilty in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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