Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 822 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 822 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 35
The child was born here at the beginning, after giving birth, the hole there will inevitably be bigger, and most men can't accept it, but Yan Yifeng doesn't care, in fact, everything is seen in the eyes and hurts in the heart.

He didn't dislike her, and felt that she was more charming than ever after giving birth.

Maybe because it still hurts.

When the wiping was almost finished, Jie Yiyi's body trembled slightly, and then she woke up.

Seeing Yan Yifeng squatting under his body and wiping it carefully, although he was ashamed, but... more heartwarming.

Looking at him, she was in a daze for a while, and the corner of her mouth involuntarily evoked a bitter smile.

Because, seeing him, she remembered that a few days ago, he was angry because his son drank her milk. At that time, the son was still in her arms, smiling, so sweet and true.

However, in the blink of an eye, the son disappeared.

"Are you awake?" As soon as Yan Yifeng raised his eyes after applying the ointment, he met the woman's empty eyes.

She distracted him and pulled her thoughts back from it. She moved her body and made room for him to sit down.

Yan Yifeng put the ointment aside, redressed her and covered her with the quilt, and then went to bed, with a gentle voice beside her, "Why don't you sleep more? Did it hurt you just now?"

Jieyi leaned on his shoulder, "I can't sleep."

"Didn't I leave? Just now I saw that you answered several calls from the company. Don't you need to deal with it? Actually, it doesn't matter to me. It's enough to have Mama Feng here to accompany me. Go and do your work."

"Jie Yiyi!"

"Do you believe me?" He interrupted her and asked suddenly.

Jie Yiyi's heart skipped a beat. Although his tone was light, she could hear that he seemed to have something to do, so he came to consult her first.

What does Yan Yifeng mean by believing?His strength?Or, his devotion to her?
After a moment of silence, she nodded, "Well, I believe it!"

In this world, there is only Yan Yifeng who can be relied on and trusted by her, isn't it?

Yan Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, since you are willing to believe me, then... From tomorrow on, don't take what you hear or see seriously, you have to remember, I did this for you Be good to my son, understand?"

His words not only made Jie Yiyi curious, but also disturbed her.

Because, she knew the seriousness of this sentence.

In my heart, I probably know a lot.

Perhaps, Yan Yifeng changed his strategy because of her sentence that women need to be pampered.

He is not violent to Ashish, but change is good for her?

But I was afraid that she would be angry, so I came in advance to give her a vaccination.

If her son could be rescued in this way, then it would be a good thing, she should be happy, but for some reason, her heart hurts like a thorn.
But soon, she dispelled the haze and nodded vigorously, "I know."

Yan Yifeng breathed a sigh of relief, stroked her hair gently, "Good boy."

Looking at his unfathomable eyes, Jie Yiyi couldn't help but say, "Are you going to use beauty tricks on Ai Shishi?"

"..." He didn't need to speak, but his deep eyes suddenly dimmed.

Jie Yiyi understood a little.

He didn't answer, but she understood.

The two cuddled tightly together.

Since his son was taken away, he hasn't eaten or rested, no... It can be said that he hasn't had a normal rest since the child was born. For more than a week, his sleep time has been added up. Probably no more than ten hours.

In fact, he was very tired.

(End of this chapter)

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