Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 824 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 824 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 37
That night, Yan Yifeng did not leave, and stayed by Jie Yiyi's side all the time.

After seeing her falling asleep, Yan Yifeng left the ward and answered Bo An's call.

Although, all the policemen in city S and people he has a good relationship with on the black market have been dispatched to search the whole city to find his whereabouts!
However, the whereabouts of the baby were still not found.

After all, they found out a little too late, and it was more than two hours after the baby was taken away that they found out that the baby was missing.

The baby was taken away by an Audi car, but the car was changed in the middle, and the license plate was used, so it will take a long time to trace the root cause.

It's not that Yan Yifeng didn't doubt Ai Shishi.

The moment he received Ai Shishi's call, he immediately sent someone to find out Ai Shishi's whereabouts in recent days.

She lost money in gambling in Macau and owed a debt, which has not been repaid, so now she is very short of money.

He was wondering if she had contacted the buyer early in the morning, and then came to the hospital to pick up her son and hand it over to the buyer?

Then let the buyer sell his son to someone on the black market, and let the kidnappers come to extort money from him and trade his son?
But people on the black market checked today's transactions, except for a three-year-old girl and two five-year-old boys who were tied up, there were no babies.

So, the son was not sold by Ai Shishi, but still in her hands...

Before noon, he had already blocked the entire road section of S City. No matter who it was, anyone who wanted to leave the city had to be verified.

No matter how powerful the people on Ai Shishi's side are, they are still not as strong as Yan Yifeng's side.

So after searching again and again, he was sure that his son was still nearby.

The people on Ai Shishi's side, the news is blocked too much, and their hands and feet are clean, and they don't leave any clues in their work. Looking for a baby in the vast crowd is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

and many more!

who can that be?

Facing Yan Yifeng, how can the news be so impenetrable?

In the past, there was a kidnapping case in the family of a senior executive in the company, but when Yan Yifeng came out, the other party immediately compromised and returned the child to the senior executive without even daring to accept the money!
Because they knew that a big man like Yan Yifeng couldn't afford to mess with him!

But now...

He sent so many people, but still couldn't find a trace of clues, not because there are not enough people on his side, not strong enough, but because the other party's news is blocked too much, and, it seems to have thought from the beginning that he would block the city , what method would you use to search and find, but deliberately put a small thread to mislead him and let him wander around Ai Shishi?
What ability does a woman like Ai Shishi have to find such a strong partner?

not right...

The more Yan Yifeng thought about it, the more something went wrong!

He vaguely felt that the leader was not Ai Shishi, but someone else, but that person was not simple, and even deliberately opposed him!

   There are not many in this world who dare to confront!

If Yu Shaofan wasn't at Lin Xi's funeral, he would be so sad, he would think that Yu Shaofan took away the baby because he was jealous that he and Jie Yiyi had a baby...

   But he could tell that his love for Jie Yiyi had already been replaced by Lin Xi.

So who would it be?Michelle?
Impossible, although she is also a royal family, but her mother is still afraid of his family, she dare not!

Who would that be?

My heart shook violently, as if being pulled down heavily by something.

old man?
is it him?
(End of this chapter)

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