Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 827 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 827 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 40
Hearing Ai Shishi say this, Yan Yifeng's mood fluctuated a little, and he was hooked!His guess was right, she was short of money, indeed she was short of money!Otherwise, you wouldn't bargain with him at this juncture?
Squinting his eyes, Yan Yifeng turned sideways and winked, "Give her a check for 500 million!"

"Yes, Mr. Yan." Xiao Fang went to operate the program, and after a while, a check of 500 million appeared in front of Ai Shishi.

I have to say that when she saw the check, Ai Shishi's eyes lit up.

However, she quickly covered it up. She drew the check and wished she could leave China with it.

Although it was hidden very deeply, it was still restrained by Yan Yifeng!

Seeing Yan Yifeng's gaze, Ai Shishi explained with some guilt, "I'm not short of money, but you asked me to accompany you out to discuss projects, and I lost the capital of beauty, so I have to get it back?"

It's okay if you don't explain it, but Yan Yifeng's eyes deepened when he explained it.

500 million is nothing to the former popular star Ai Shishi.

Just a sports car.

But for her, who relied on selling beds~to work hard, and was sneaked by directors tens of thousands of times in Japan before she became a B-level AV actress, the money was like a helping hand.

Who wants to be under the pressure of those ugly directors who make you want to throw up every day?

Also keep calling 'cool? "

She doesn't want to, in short, she decides to finish the project and leave China, she will change her mind, start a new life, repair the ****, and find a foreigner to marry!

At this time, the makeup artist invited by Yan Yifeng has arrived.

Ai Shishi unsuspectingly followed the makeup artist to the dressing room.

However, after changing the dress for her, Yan Yifeng's necklace equipped with signal tracking and bugs was successfully put on Ai Shishi's neck, and it did not arouse her slightest suspicion.

Ai Shishi is wearing a colorful ultra-short tight dress, which wraps her body perfectly. In addition, that foxy face, if she is not too coquettish, she can barely be regarded as a beautiful woman.

How long has it been?It looks like it hasn't been dressed like this for a long time.

In front of the mirror, Ai Shishi was stunned by the appearance of herself after dressing up.

However, in the next second, she raised her chin again, and proudly put on her LV bag, "Let's go!"

From the beginning to the end, Yan Yifeng didn't look at Ai Shishi more, because after watching Jie Yiyi for a long time, she was the only one in his eyes, mind, and heart, and there was no room for another one.

The car drove out of Yan's house slowly, and drove straight to the highway.

Ai Shishi brought her toad mirror, and her face was blown by the wind with a happy face.

He didn't even know that the disaster was slowly approaching.

Yes, after about 10 minutes or so, the destination has arrived.

Yan Yifeng and the other party made an appointment to meet in a five-star hotel.

The negotiating party is a foreigner.

Yan Yifeng's big family is in Europe, but they have a prominent position. They usually come to the door to please Yan Yifeng. Is there any project that Yan Yifeng can't talk about?

Ai Shishi ignored this point, and was doomed to fail.

The project site is on the open-air balcony on the top floor of the hotel.

When Yan Yifeng arrived, the foreigner had already sat down and drank a cup of coffee

Then, Yan Yifeng told him about the advantages of their company and the share after the cooperation. Ai Shishi kept winking at the side, and did not forget to praise Yan Yifeng's efficiency and...

(End of this chapter)

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